The relationship between knocking on the heaven's door and the BladesIII.

The Truth Underlying the Heaven's Door

    While wandering from day to day with Kant's mind and Socrates's descrete considerations. Finally, at the beginning of the AP test day, I figured out the reason I should knock on Heaven's Door. It was just from Mr Johnson. His word inspired me. "Relationship." There actually was the relationship between superficially unrelated writings, each began with different dimensions of concept, of mine. There actually was the reason why we should knock on the heaven's door before we open it.

    Knocking on heaven's door is an action to prepare our minds before facing the rea truth. As I talked about in the writing about BladesIII, we live on the earth without realizing the truth, without knowing the truth, without knowing how to know the truth. We speak about "I know" words instead of "I believe" words for our convenience. Our lives on earth are accustomed to camouflaged "I know" which actually is "I believe." What we believe to be truth is merely a concept agreed by the majority of Earthians.

    When we open the heaven's door, we will encounter the real truth that is too strange to us. We will encounter the real truth that we've never encountered on the Earth. Further, we should be prepared and ask ourselves whether we are ready to enter the world of real truth. That is why we knock on the heaven's door before opening it. While knocking on heaven's door, we should prepare ourselves to enter the wholly new world where no lie, no false, no corruption, no injustice, no law but but no unjust, no fighting, no dismissal, no rape, no murder, no theft and as a whole, no vice exists. Time spent for knocking on heaven's door might depend on one's state of mind.(Maybe Mr.Johnson will not knock on the heaven's door.) However, is the world with only real truth a real utopia or real heaven?
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