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29/04/03 Happy Birthday To Dave (LB's Drummer for the stupid people) for yesterday, today we managed to get some new stuff sorted, its different but still got that Blind Edge, dunno whats planned but hope to get some more of these EP's Reserved, There ready now, just need to be duplicated, all recordings are complete and all designs are finished, but not quite finalised, any way, ROCK AND FUCKIN ROLL! -LB-

20/04/03 Happy Easter! Just a quickie to announce that there will be no more gigs until June, as we feel its bit more important to get the final touches complete to 'Devil Drops In' Its nice to know the reservations are still coming in thick and fast, well see you all and Good Night! -LB-

17/04/03 Last night, well what can we say, the LB performance was a bit off par with previous, but we still had a good night, Seizure played very well indeed, shame about the turn out of fans towards the end of the night, but it was very very late, we was knackered before we played, we was dead afterwards. thanks to everyone that came. Theres gonna be no more shows until June now, we are gonna concentrate on writing and finishing off 'The Devil Dropped In E.P' Thanks again. -LB-

11/04/03 How do, its a quick notice, LEGALLY BLIND and SEIZURE are playing a Show at THE MARINE BOATHOUSE, SKEGNESS, LUMLEY ROAD on WEDNESDAY 16TH APRIL 2003 COME ALONG, ITS FREE ENTRY, its all very short notice, hope to see you all at the 'Devil Drops In Pre - Release Show' -LB-

07/04/03 We are hard at work still, its just a quick message to let you know we have not forgotten about our website regulars, theres a lot more pictures to be uploaded very shortly, so check back soon, see you all -LB-

02/04/03 The cover designs for the EP are now complete, the EP should be fully recorded by 11/04/03 and all being well should be Mixed & Mastered by 18/04/03 ready to be pressed. So get ready a Deffinate Release date shall be confirmed within the next 2 weeks, So not long now Kids, so get your copy put aside, because the reservations are going thick and fast. Cheers!!! -LB-

01/04/03 Today was a very productive day, We have 1 more track to record for our Debut Release ' The Devil Dropped In EP' We should be able to confirm a release date soon enough, so get those copies reserved, it wont be long now! thanks for all of your patience to the guys and girls that already have copies reserved, and people that don't well What Are You Waiting For??, THANKS ALOT WE LOVE YOU ALL -LB-

31/03/03 Every thing has been resolved and sorted and we are proud to announce Miles Green is back and ready to jam!!, Tommorrow (01/04/03) We are in Blue Room Studio, Tattershall recording some of the EP. See ya all soon. -LB-

25/03/03 The Guestbook has had some messages removed as it was near full, the half empty messages and stupid messages have been removed, thanks people and keep signing -LB-

24/03/03 Sad News Im Afraid... Today we lost a member of the band, Miles Green decided it was time to call it a day with Legally Blind, so we are now on a hunt for a new guitarist, as we are currently a man down, we have to cancel all Gigs planned, Sorry Guys and Girls. We will keep you all posted, Good Luck for the Future Mr.Green, Thanks -LB-

16/03/03 Soon to be added to 'The Official Legally Blind Site' will be an MP3 of 'No-1's Leader, Legally Blind's opening track to the forthcoming EP, This song is an Anti-War track and will be added up for Free Download to protest against war. I suppose the guys could not of picked a better time to have it for the site, as War is supposed to start tommorrow, remember these words everyone, 'Fuck Bush and Fuck Blair!!!' Check back soon for your free MP3 of No-1's Leader. -LB-

15/03/03 Just some good news mixed with bad news, Due to re-designs and new plans the EP will be put back again, we may send out the ones already reserved earlier than the new release date, but there has been no new date established yet, well every one will be kept posted. Any questions or queries just contact one of the guys, also there has been new pics added to the Pictures Section, Thanks -LB-

09/03/03 How do all, just wanted to let you know theres a date change for the Show in 'The Shades' and the band thats also playing along side us is BONESAW, gotta come along just to see them, it will be worth us pissing you off for an hour just to hear Bonesaw, they will be travelling from Spalding, but they are the bollocks so when the new date is arranged get your asses in. Also we started Recording the EP, we started on Friday, we will keep you up to date with progress and stuff, well love ya and leave ya, Thanks. -LB-

20/02/03 Just a quick message to say, we have nothing currently planned except we are going into the studio in couple of weeks. Prior to that we are going to kick back and relax for a couple of days. Also apologies to anyone that has attepted to reserve a EP from the site, the link had been wrong so your reservation may of gone to a complete stranger, its all fixed and working now, so get some RESERVATIONS made! -LB-

14/02/03 I'd also like to thank everyone who turned up at the MARINE BOAT HOUSE last night. Were sorry the bands started so late, but the marine wanted to leave them playing until the place had a few more people in there. Sorry to anybody wishing to see these guys that didn't. There will be many, many more occasions to come im sure of that. We hope your awating the forth coming EP (Devil Drops In) out 14/4/03. If you want to find any more info on it goto the Demos page. - CHIMP -

14/02/03 Just here to thank everyone that came to support us at the MARINE BOAT HOUSE, Seizure You were fantastic! Also special thanks to everyone that came on stage and helped us. Hope to Rock Up Skegness again soon, L.A.P.D -LB-

02/02/03 Just a bit of unfortunate news here, Legally Blinds Forth Coming EP 'The Devil Dropped In' has been put back a few more weeks, the release date now is 14/04/03 (Monday 14th April) Sorry about the inconvenience but LB are going into the studio a few weeks late due to scheduling difficulties. Never the less you can still book your copy of the EP, it shall be worth the wait. Thanks a Fuckin whole bunch for your patients. -LB-

22/01/03 LEGALLY BLIND & SEIZURE are playing together at THE MARINE BOATHOUSE CLUB, SKEGNESS, LUMLEY ROAD, on 13/02/03 (Thursday 13th Febuary) The Thursday Thrash starts at about 8pm, Free Entry, Hope to see your pretty faces, cheers -LB-

14/01/03 Now you can Reserve your copy of 'The Devil Dropped In' EP via the Demos Page, so if your slightly tempted then reserve a copy and expect it on your doorstep on Monday 3rd March 2003, Thanks for the people who have already reserved a copy, all your support is appriciated, thanks again. - LB-

11/01/03 The Debut EP 'The Devil Dropped In' is due to be out on 03/03/03 to see more details on this EP goto the Demos page or Send an E-Mail from the Contact Us page, hope everyone likes the mix of Punk, Funk, Emo and Rock and we would love to hear what you think once you heard it, Thanks -LB-

01/01/03 Happy New Year Everybody. We have a lot planned for the new year.
So we will be busy. But we will always keep you upto date with all the latest news.
We thank you for all your guestbook entries that you have kindly given us -LB-

26/12/02 Hope Everyone had a good Christmas and Have a Good New Year -LB-

16/12/02 We have now seen the pictures, not many came out, but they are the bollocks, also we have been asked to return to 'The Black Swan' for a gig with Copyright, Seizure and many more at the beginning of May sometime, for some special occaision i can't remember much about, but hey we will be there to jam, more news, pigs and info on Gigs, will be up soon.... Currently we are just working on new material which has a funk edge to it, and we are working on more covers aswell to entertain everyone. well cheers... -LB-

15/12/02 We know that many of you have commented about the lack of pictures of us on our site. We are sorry about the lack of pics but we are waitin for them back from our photography team. We will tell you as soon as we get them up. -CHIMP-

13/12/02 Well, the show is over, and it went very well, the antics of numerous great bands and us were caught on video, and it went very well, it was hard going up after Seizure and N.O.T but we did and i think we managed to entertain the pretty people of Spalding quite well. Mike is sorry he had to deprive you all of the Fire Safety Song, but we was getting bitched at about the length of the set, due to extra songs by other bands. But fuck it, theres always next time. THANKS TO ALL AND GOOD NIGHT... -LB-

11/12/02 Well we have a new member to the Rhythm Section and its Jonny on Guitar, its 24 hours before the gig tommorrow night. We are all looking forward to it, and have practiced lots this last 3 days, out set list has changed and we are all tired little people. We are playing:
1. Get It Faster (jimmy eat world cover),
2. Whats The Point (brand new never been heard by anyone),
3. She (greenday cover),
4. On My Own (Own song),
5. Kids Are'nt Alright (offspring cover),
and if we get to do an Encore, you will have to wait and see. Well hope to see a lot of people there, where we are making arses of our selves, see ya and have fun. -LB-

03/12/02 This site have been altered alot, its still not complete, but it looks quite good. Nine days to go for the debut show as Legally Blind, and were hoping to see everyone there, if anyone is too unlucky and misses us play, then im sure there will be more chances. Thanks for the messages left in the guestbook, and sarah from nottingham whoever you are, we love westlife too well in a perfect world. Thanks everyone and see you soon. -LB-

29/11/02 We are gettin ready for the gig now, we shall be playing 5 or 6 songs, covers and original material, we are a little bit out of practice due to injurys and illness, but we are set to pull our fingers out to entertain all the nice people watching us on the night, all 3 of you...haha...We are looking forward to recieving more Guest Book signings and reading them, and hope you return to the site, thanks -LB-

27/11/02 We made a new intro to the site it will be uploaded shortly.
We thank you for all you Guest Book signings that you have made and we hope to see you all at our FIRST gig on the 12/12/02

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