
i grew up thinking it was okay to be unique
size shape and appearance didn't matter
a society in which everyone was accepted
i grew up believing in this... these morals
i grew up watching models on tv and in my mothers magazines
thinner... thinner... more beautiful...
i grew up and i was not good enough
not skinny enough
not perfect enough
i grew up and my mind was corrupted
my heart shattered
i was not perfect.  not thin enough.  not beautiful enough.
my life spun out of control
obsessive thoughts
in my head the flesh seemed thicker
i grew up and Ana took over.
This site is dedicated in loving memory to those who are suffering from or have had their lives taken from them by an eating disorder .
Through the years, I have come to meet so many wonderful girls.  Unfortunately, the particular group of girls that I am talking about have one thing in common, they all are victims of an eating disorder.  Anorexia is a terrible illness.  It is a disease that very few understand.  It slowly, yet very carefully takes over its victims mind.  Some girls recover.  Some girls don't.  Most of the girls that do will live with the struggles of anorexia the rest of their lives.  On a daily basis food, fat, calories and other things like that will be a constant thought... whether it just be lingering at the back of their mind or eating away at them day and night.  The struggle is not an easy one.

As I sit here... one of my good friends, only 17 years old, sits on the Psychiatric Ward at a hospital.  She attempted to take her own life... only weeks after she was asked to be a model.  She is 5'5" and about 90 pounds.  Anorexia has taken over her.  She is not the same girl... she is now under Ana's control.  At 17 this is not a place to be... in actuality, this is not a place for anyone to be.  She still has so much life to live, so much to give to the world.  She is such a beautiful girl... but she is trapped... trapped in the vicious cycle of an eating disorder.

To my friend, you know who you are, you are in my thoughts constantly.  These tears I shed are for you.  I wish that I could fix everything.  I wish that just for 1 second you could see yourself the way the rest of the world sees you.  You are beautiful and please don't ever forget that.

To all my friends, family, and others struggling with an eating disorder, may all my heart go out to you.  Please don't give up.  There is hope... there are people who care.  Really. 
Peace & Love
What You THOUGHT You Knew
This Child
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