Responses PRO
Some things that were said in emails I cut and pasted and posted here.

***Marijuana should be legalized, its a drug that people use to ease their stress, its not the same as goin out and drinkin or dropin acid. Its a fun/safe/stress relieving drug. I plan on doing whatever i can to make Marijuana legal. 420.*** [By the way theres alot wrong with alcohal it is disgusting]

hey man i think i have to agree with you 100 % i mean look at what they tried to say in defense they totally changed the subject from pot to boose thats wack. your definty right.

Mary Jane should be legal.....why do I feel this way.......maybe because my b-day IS on april 20th...weed is not like liquor,trips,rolls,etc...or any of those other drugs....Marijuana is has a different effect then other puts you on a relaxing mood,no worries,no problems, just take outs alll the stress you have and throws it away.......I dont know about anyone else but when my b-day hits i'm celebrate it like new years....

i think marijuana should be legal cause there isnt anything wrong with it and god put it here so itz all good

"I am planning to go with with at least 3 to 4 people. Where is this going to be held at? Or is it just over the net?"

"i strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized. if anything they should legalize marijuana and make alcohol illegal. u never hear about people getting killed because of a stoned driver but look at how many deaths there are due to drunk drivers. i will be proud to support any action you need to take to get it through to the government that marijuana should be legal"

"weed should be legal"

"cool site man 420 "

I think that you are actually doing something that every 1 been wanting to do in ages.but why i think it sold be legal is it cures some of the most common eating disorders. like think of this, a girl is bulimic or a guy is hell i don't know but give them some bud and they are all over food like there is no tommorrow.

I think it should be legalized .....because people with serious problems don't know what to do, but they know if they go to the doctor that they would give them gross medicine or send them away to somewhere else. I also think they should legalize it because it don't make u act all stupid like alcohol or that other stuff it just calms u down and makes u really relaxed. But in order to be able to smoke and drive you should have to have a special lisence, I think that u should have to pass special tests! Like going into the grocery store and ordering a list of food they tell you to, or they give directions and see if you make it and crap like that but you have to be high and be able to pass the tests. Thanks a lot.

"So should there be a lisence to Smoke up?"
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