Should Marijuana Be Legal or Illegal?

Let's make April 20 a holiday!
It's about time there is one on the list that is not associated with drunk drivers!

The lines on this page somewhat seperate the subject matter.
Please give me your feed back as to why it should be legal.
I will post your opinions on the site no screen names will be used.
Everyone's opinions matter when it comes to this subject. Thank you for your time!

If you feel that Marijuana should be legal here is your chance to let your
opinion be heard. We need to let the government see how many of us really
want it legal. They have not given us the opportunity to vote on this issue,
they think we can't make this decision for ourselves. The best way for them to see
what an important part of it all, we are we need to be seen with out being
incriminated. So you ask how do you make such a big governing body see you
a spot in the dark. Well if all us spots in the dark would ban togather for
just one day, go on strike against taxes. Lets get organized and be heard.

By this I mean avoid paying taxes for one day. Accomplishing this is simple
We pay taxes when we work, shop, drive, and use gas, water, and electric.

So now let us think no work no shopping no driving no electric use.
Sounds kind of like a nice day to me.
You could BAR-B-Q with your buddies, or go fishing.

If you think we should have a right to make the decision for ourselves and
you support this effort, show your support on 4-20 (April 20, 2002) Show
your support by boycotting taxes, do it peacefully it will matter.
You don't have to be a user of Marijuana to think it should be legal.
E-mail: RSVP This is strictly annonomous. Feel free to give me some of
your views on why it should be legal. I will post on the site when I have
time(Annonomously of course) If you are planning on participating in this
event, let me know how many people you are planning to observe this day with
and what State you are in. I will be counting them up. Between April 1-20 You
will be told how many others plan on participating VIA E-Mail

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