Should Marijuana Be Legal or Illegal?
The lines on this page somewhat seperate the subject matter.
Please give me your feed back as to why it should be illegal.
There is an E-Mail link at the bottom of the page for feedback
I will post your opinions on the site no screen names will be used.
Please let me know what State you are in
Everyone's opinions matter when it comes to this subject. Thank you for your time!

Marijuana smokers are feared in this country and it's not easy to understand why.
Marijuana smokers are peaceful people. They don't loose their wits, their temper
or their vision when under the influence. Marijuana is a calming drug it relaxes a
smoker and makes them happy. It takes sore tight muscles and loosens them up. It
can turn anger into peace. It enhances your sence of taste. It helps you sleep
when you are to stressed or uptight to sleep. It keeps Hostess in buisness :-)

Prohibition "The noble experiment"

The Eighteent Amendment of the constitution ratified in 1919
put into effect an experiment known as prohibition (a movement
to outlaw drunkenness in the USA) this movement began in the eary
1800's. Illegal bars called speakeasies poped up everywhere. Some
people would get perscriptions for it because it was legal for
medical reasons. There were people making liquor in homemade
machines called stills.

By the 20's cities were complaining that it was turning America
into a nation of law breakers. Prohibition also created new crimes
like bootlegging (selling liquor) Bootlegging made Al Capone "Scarface"
rich and famous. It also created violence over Territory.
Organized crime like this had people scared.

President Hoover appointed a group to study the repercussions of
prohibition. Their study showed that the law was not being followed.
Their study did not say how the law could be best enforced. The 18th
ammendment was repealed in 1933.

Since it was repealed millions of Americans have been killed in car
accidents due to drunk drivers. Millions of Americans have been
assulted as a direct result of another under the influence.
Millions of people have died from liver and kidney problems due to
prolonged exposure to alcohol.Millions of children have been put
into foster homes and emergency shelters due to their guardians neglect
because of alcohol.

Marijuana is still illegal in America?!?
How many Americans have been killed by someone driving under the
influence of JUST marijuana?(not marijuana and alcohol or other drug)
How many Americans have been assulted as a direct result of somone
under the influence of JUST marijuana? How many people have died
from prolonged exposure or use of Marijuana? How many children
were put into foster homes from true neglect do to Marijuana use?(Not
how many children were put into foster homes because parents were users of Marijuana)

If you walked into a room with a drunk person, you would know they were drunk.
If you walked into a room with a high person would you know they were high?

Marijuana wouldn't be a gateway drug if it wasn't classified a Drug Just
think about Marijuana is one of the few drugs that can not kill you not
even if you Overdose on it, it is also very hard to overdose on it.
Marijuana also doesn't take you out of your sences like the other drugs
that it leads to. We teach our children that drugs are bad (which is good)
we tell them that drugs can kill you and hook you and make your nose bleed
and bla bla bla... then one day they are confronted with marijuana, they see
this group of people high and they seem fine so now this kid tries it. This
kid realizes marijuana isn't like his elders said it was so mabey none of the
other drugs are either. Then Marijuana becomes a gateway drug...With new found
courage because the parents must have been lying to him\her about drugs this
kid goes on to try Cocaine or Extacy or Crystal or LSD or some other drug and
then they actually experience what you always warned them about but they are
young they don't understand the responsibility of having an addiction like this
and they don't care because they are young and they like the way it feels. Now
this kid is hooked on a drug like cocaine, crystal, extacy, lsd, or even crack
and on his\her way down the wrong path.

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