Everything's gotta have rules, rules, rules...
Unfortunately so. My Rules for Submission.
Quality-wise, it has to look like it took more than three seconds. Otherwise, if it depicts Giovanni and Jenny as a couple, or heck, I'll take individuals right now, I'll probably take it. Violence is...all right, I guess...just as long as it's not graphic. ((Why the hell anyone would do this in a couples shrine, go figure...)) And NO HENTAI. I'm really sorry, but no. No problem with minor nudity, but no extremely graphic pictures of either THE ACT, the male form, the female form, the...you get the point. You're not dumb. You know what hentai is.

Okay, this is kind of a touchy subject, so I'm going to get directly into the NO category.

* No NC-17. If it must overstep the boundary, tell me why and how, but it won't get posted unless it's for an extremely good reason and is done in good taste. None of all that fun-stuff-better-left-in-a-bedroom-behind-a-locked-door. I know, I know, I write that stuff too sometimes, but still. No.

* No extreme violence. I realise that in the anime ((certain versions, ie Spanish version)) Giovanni is an extremely violent person at times who threatens to kill people on a regular basis, not to mention Team Rocket Headquarters must be the weapons capitol of the world. And Officer Jenny, well it would make sense if she had a weapon on her somewheres. So violence in itself isn't entirely off-limits, as long as it has a point, and isn't the entire freaking theme.

* No sending me stuff without proofreading! Typos are a pet peeve of mine! Fix 'em! I'll take minor errors, but for crying out loud spell the characters' names right.

The other issues in this category are profanity and abuse/suicide. First off, profanity is not an issue with me. Just don't use the F-word every two seconds. And if, when I take out all the profanity, the only words left are "and", "if", "you", and "because", you will be in DEEP trouble with me.

As for abuse and/or suicide, it can be an extremely touchy subject with many people, myself included for personal reasons. Now, I know that Officer Jenny must not have had a great life ((no one in Pokemon has, really)), and Giovanni...you can't look at the man and tell me his life DIDN'T suck. Just don't make abuse or suicide ((or both)) the main theme.

Geh. I'm sure you're sick of rules. This is quite possibly the only page in which I make myself half-way serious, so don't jump on me, I'm not always like this.

"Dal, you're being scary,
let me go home!"
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