Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
Christianity began in the ministery, life, death,
resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus, a Jew whom Christians believed to be the Son of God. Its origins
lie farther back in Jewish traditon, with Christianity
understanding itself as the New Testament, or Covenant, between Man and God, building on top of the Old Testament. The story of Jesus's life are recorded in the New Testament, which have gospels, hyms, and stories. the Christian Cross is a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus, that represents his love for man in dying for its sins. Christian go to church every Sunday to praise God. During church they take Communion which they eat bread and wine representing the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ. They do this because Jesus took a peice of
Picture of Jesus Christ
Picture of the mother of Jesus the Virgin Mary  and baby Jesus
                             bread saying this is my body and then he took some wine saying this is my blood in this way he promised to be with them to the end of time. A summary of what Christianity is and what christians believe.
The Famous
Notre Dame Cathedral
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