The first part of the quest can easily be done yourself, even at a very early level, as it simply requires you to run a relay race across Antonica. It starts in West Karana with the bard Konia Swiftfoot in Guard Tower 1. She will send you off on the relay race carrying a torch to various people within Antonica. Talk to Konia and your race will begin...
[Find Konia Swiftfoot in West Karana inside Guard Tower 1 at loc (-516, -2434).] You say: "Hail Konia Swiftfoot" Konia Swiftfoot says: "Hello there Kocho. I am hosting a relay running contest. Would you like to participate?" You say: "Yes I would like to participate." Konia Swiftfoot says: "Great! The prize will be this silly old music sheet. Let me know when you are ready and I will pass you the torch and tell you where the first stop is."
You say: "I am ready." Konia Swiftfoot says: "Here you go. Run with this torch as fast as you can to the misty thicket and hand this torch off to Fajio Knejo. He will tell you where to go from there. Hurry! You do not have much time!" [You will receive the torch.]
[Arrive in Misty Thicket near the entrance to Runneyeye Citadel. You will find Fajio Knejo at loc (-120, -54).] You say: "Hail Fajio Knejo." Fajio Knejo says: "Greetings, Kocho. I hope you are having a fine day." [Hand Torch to Fajio] Fajio Knejo says: "Run onward, my friend, to the far off Desert of Ro and give this torch to Andad Filla." [Receive another Torch]
[Arrive in the Southern Desert of Ro near the Innothule Swamp. Find Andad Filla at loc (-3032, 1216).] You say: "hail Andad Filla" Andad Filla says: "Hello traveler, please do not bother me right now I am waiting for someone." [Hand Torch to Andad] Andad Filla says: "You still have a ways to go! Seek out Misty Tekcihta near the arena at Lake Rathe. Run like the wind!"
[Arrive in Lake Rathe outside the entrance to the Arena. Find Misty Tekcihta at loc (2419, 2583).] You say: "Hail Misty Tekcihta" Misty Tekcihta smiles and taps her foot. [Hand Torch to Misty] Misty Tekcihta hands you a small ring. [Receive Proof of Speed ring]
[Arrive in West Karana at Tower 1 and talk to Konia again.] You say: "hail Konia Swiftfoot" Konia Swiftfoot says: "Hello there Kocho. I am hosting a relay running contest. Would you like to participate?" [Hand Proof of Speed ring to Konia] Konia Swiftfoot says: "Excellent! You are quite a runner. Here is half of the sheet music. I decided to keep the other half because it has this wonderful signature. I think it might be quite valuable. It is probably worth as much as an instrument the great Mahlin used."
[Receive Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Top]
To get the bottom half of you need to give Konia Swiftfoot Mahlin's Bongos. Talk to Braenar Swiftsong. Braenar is located in South Karana next to the well at loc (-21, 8. He will give you an invoice after you ask "What doll". (If you have any info on how a bard knew to talk about a doll, please let me know.)
Detail on Braenar and his daughter Serra - New additional page!
You say, 'hail Baenar Swiftsong' Baenar Swiftsong says 'Please, I am trying to work here. If you bother me I will write a horrible song about you and sing it from the mountain tops! You say, 'what doll' Baenar Swiftsong says 'What's that you say? You wish to have the doll I was to give her? Whatever for? Bah! Nevermind me. I rant like an old woman sometimes. I should let her memory go but I would stop my heart from beating before I forget that child. Here, take this invoice. I have no further use for it. Give it to Marfen Binkdirple.
Go to Solusek A and give the gnome vendor, Marfen the invoice and you will receive a doll. Marfen is the same vendor who sells the Tinkerer's bags, he is found at loc (-304, -1083).
Marfen Binkdirple says 'Ah! 'Bout time ye got yer lazy bones down here! I was beginnin' ta worry bout ya. Thought ye'd never pick the doll up. Me kin worked and toiled over this thing fer days. That Baenar was sure exact in every detail. For a special child, he said. Must be some child. He spent all he had and some he didn't. Still owes us a show! Anyway, I heard she passed away some time ago. Give the lad muh regards.
Take the doll to the Estate of Unrest and give the doll to Serra, who is next to the gnomish speulunker. She can be found by going through a underwater channel at the right side of the zone. Serra will give you a note.
Serra says 'Oh! You have the dolly! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can go home now. Please give this to my father, Baenar. He will understand when he gets it.' Serra begins to fade away. 'Bye bye!'
Then take the note from Serra back to Braenar, who will give a new note for Maligar.
Baenar Swiftsong says 'A note from the child? How can that be! How could she know I was her father? Unless? Cyrah told her. Forgive me. Cyrah was the name of the woman to whom I was betrothed. Unfortunately her parents forbade her from marrying a lowly bard such as myself. Her father married her off to a young merchant in Qeynos named Maligar. She married him only out of respect to her father. Her heart was truly mine, at least, so she always said. When Serra was born, I visited them both often. She was like no other, so innocent and sweet. In those few years I watched her grow up to be more and more like her mother and I saw none of the father in her appearance. I do not like Maligar, but the least we can do is inform him of his child's death. I saw his caravan pass by not more than a day ago headed to Qeynos.
Take the note from Braenar to Maligar. Maligar is found in West Karana at loc (1179, -1087. His spawn is every 30 minutes or so, not bad, if you mess up (turn the head into the wrong guy), you can try again in a bit. After you give Maligar the note, he will spawn his Maligars Enraged Doppleganger.
Side Note: This part of the quest was broken early April 2001, but is reported to have been fixed.
Maligar says 'Hmmm. What's this? A note from that silly bard Baenar? I wasn't aware that those of his kind could write, much less read.' Maligar lets out a deep laugh. 'I see you do not share my sense of humor. Let's read it, shall we? Oh, no! She's dead? I knew that already, you fool. It was by my hand she died! Ooops! Did I let that slip out? Silly me. I guess I will have to kill you now!'
Maligar and his whole camps faction can be changed using lvl 11 song, Cinda's Charismatic Carillon, especially effective using the Dark Elf mask, I've heard it doesn't work without one. I was told at the time to charm him, so my experience is below...
When I killed Maligar and his Doppleganger, it was myself, a 47 bard, a 51 bard, a 53 wizzie, and a 45 druid. We pulled Maligar's friends first, who went down easily one by one. They do not aggro if you pull one by one. Then we charmed Maligar, ordered him to sit down, his Doppleganger spawned, and even though I was twisting resist songs, we still were blinded. If your Magic Resist is high enough (like over 150 MR) and you're high enough level, you should resist being blinded. I did resist the Fear spell though. As of September 2001, I hear reports that he no longer blinds, so maybe he was nerfed a bit...
Anyway back when I did Maligar, I had my chants memmed, since I knew I was going to be blinded, so I had my target, and hopefully was able to get him a few times with my DoTs. From what I heard from the druid helping us, was that the Doppleganger was smart and blinded everyone he could. It was a very close fight, we brought him down though, and then charmed Maligar again, and got our second Maligar Doppleganger's head.
Once you kill the doppleganger, loot his head. Unless you want to kill Maligar, you can run at this point to the zone.
Take the head back to Braenar and receive "Mahlin's Bongo's".
Baenar Swiftsong says 'That vile dog! I knew there was something not right with him, the way he stared at everyone with contempt! Even his own wife! I curse him! I curse him to stay upon the realm and deny him what he most desires! This is too much! I cannot play or write this day. The sadness overwhelms me. In honor of Serra, the daughter that was denied to me in spirit, I vow never to play this instrument again! It was her favorite and she listened to me play for hours on end. Here take it! Take it out of my sight! Leave me be with my grief and my loss.
Take the Bongo's to Konia Swiftfoot in West Karana to get the bottom of Page 24. Konia Swiftfoot says 'Mahlin's bongos! Here, take the other half of the sheet music. I can not really make out what the signature was anyway.
[Receive Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Bottom]
To get Page 25, go to South Karana and talk to the wood-elf bard named Kelkim Menkia, she is between the centaurs and treants along the zone line that is a "drop-off". Hail her to start the conversation and quest details.
You say: 'Hail, Kelkim Menkia' Kelkim Menkia sighs as she looks over her lute. My lute was mangled by those damnable gnolls. I have no idea how I'm going to get a new set of strings for it. They were so rare. You say: 'What rare Strings?' Kelkim Menkia says 'I only use the finest lute strings on my lute. My uncle got them for me from across the world. His name was Zendrik the Wurmslayer. As his name implies, he killed many wurms and drakes. The strings for my lute were all made from the guts of the wurms and drakes he slew.' You say: 'What wurms and drakes?' Kelkim Menkia says ' The strings were from a chromodrac, a red wurm, and a huge onyx drake. It always sounded so wonderful.' Kelkim sighs, looking off into the horizon. As she shakes her lute angrily, she says, "I'll kill all of you dirty gnolls!"'
The items she needs to make the strings for her lute are as follows: Guts from a named chromatic drake in Skyfire Mountains - Eldrig the Old: about level 51 and he summons Guts from the named red wurm in Burning Woods - drops off named wurm Nezekezena Guts from the Huge Oynx Drake in Rathe Mountains - Blackwing: level 40 something A few notes regarding these 3 guts:
To get the Red Wurm Gut you need to kill a named wurm in the Burning Woods - Nezekezena. Phurzikon no longer drops the red guts for bard epic. Both these wurms will be high 40's to 51 in level, so at level 51, they can summon you and gate. Both these spawn at location (neg 470, neg 2550), so if you camp the spawn, you should be fine if they decide to gate back. A full group of low 50's can kill these wurms. Something spawns every two minutes, whether it be a PH or a Nekekezena or a Phurzikon... This is also a great camp for some fast experience, as the spawn time is 2 minutes, and there are lots of wanderers. You could convince a mage to camp it with you, as they also need the Burnt Embers for their epic, which is a much rarer drop.
The red wurm guts drop plentifully, so you'll get one for sure if you camp this area a few hours.
Blackwing in Rathe Mountains will spawn after clearing out the drakes in that area. It is the south-western part of the zone, and will spawn out of the loc (neg 1700, neg 15). Keep killing everything that spawn at this loc, including drakes and basalisks, and you will get Blackwing within an hour or so. His PHs include basilisk, Onyx drakes, Ebon drakes, Obdisian Drake, and Basalt Drake.
Be very careful of the named drakes in this area. Zazamouhk, an evil enchanter sphinx and her pet are up on the hill but don't seem to move around much. She is around level 40, maybe lower. If you are agnostic and wear your Dark-elf illusion, you can go right up to her. Rharzar, however, is a level 55 green drake. Every bard I talked to that has camped Blackwing has been killed by Rharzar, including myself, he hit me so fast I couldn't even run one step. If you have him on tracking and are alone, do your best to avoid him, or come back another day. He is for the SK epic, so convince an SK in your guild to join you and bring a few groups down to kill Rharzar.
Stay at the spawn spot mentioned above and you should be fine. At level 47, I discovered that I could melee these drakes and Blackwing easily.
Eldrig the Old in Skyfire Mountains has a spawn spot of loc (pos 500, neg 4000). Eldrig is a named Chromodrac, level 51. He summons, dispells (a LOT), melees and cast Boiling Blood DoT, which he will proceed to dispell right away.
Go north from the OT zone until you hit the spot. Every 13 minutes a mob will spawn, and start walking towards OT. If nothing is spawning, you must track down the placeholder and kill it before the spot will start re-spawning. The placeholder has been reported to be any mob: bottomless feasters, skyash/skycinder drakes, wurms, mature wurms, wyverns, and chromodracs. Thanks to the bards on the Concert Hall who have figured this spawn spot out.
Once this is accomplished, and you found the PH, and the spawn spot is spawning, Eldrig will spawn regularly. I am not positive that this is the only spawn spot of Eldrig. I have seen him up once, and he walks a path from this spot to the Burning Woods zone and back. Bards on my server who has followed my directions here has communicated with me, and has eventually gotten Eldrig to spawn. Another bard reported to me that he saw Eldrig fly back and forth between approximately (neg 3250, pos 2000) and (neg 3250, pos 1000). This is right near the BW zone. So, I suspect, once he spawns in the above location, this becomes his pathing.
When I finally found him up, my group fear kited him. I played my fear song, and fear song only. He went down quickly. We had 2 bards (levels 51 and 53), 53 warrior, 53 cleric, and 57 druid. Second time I found him, we just snared him, and no fear, full group, no problem. We killed him at his spawn spot the first time, and near the Burning Woods zone the second time, as he wandered down.
A trick level 56+ bards can use, is to use the Song of Highsun to gate mobs back to the spawn point.

Once you have all the 3 guts from these mobs, catch a ride back to Antonica. Give the three guts back to Kelkim in South Karana and you will get page 25.
Kelkim Menkia snatches the gut strings from your hand and immediately begins to string her lute. 'This is wonderful, I will be able to play my lute again soon! Take this old sheet of music I found - I don't think I will have much use for it. My new desire is to bash gnoll heads in with my lute. Safe travels to you, Kocho.'
[Receive Maestro's Symphony Page 25]
Baldric Slezaf tells you that Forpar Fizla has this lute but will not speak to him. You must get this lute as your final item to return to Baldric. This is rewarded as head, body and strings.
Forpar Fizla is unwilling to talk to you and even other gnomes. To get him to talk you help his friend, a female half elf bard named Vedico at the docks in Butcherblock.
Vedico Windwisper may be found on the docks in Butcherblock inside one of the shops at loc (1010, 3010). She lost her horn to a cyclops named Quag Maelstrome in the Ocean of Tears. If you kill him, you will get the "Alluring Horn" which you then return to Vedico in Butcherblock.
You say, 'hail Vedico Windwisper' Vedico Windwisper says 'Hello Kocho . Have you seen the port master? I am here to complain about the shoddy service. You say, 'What shoddy service?' Vedico Windwisper says 'I was sailing from Freeport on one of the boats when a giant cyclops attacked the boat! No one lifted a finger as he stole the horn I was playing and ran off. Someone here has to answer for the loss of my horn. You say, 'what giant cyclops?' Vedico Windwisper says 'He was a huge cyclops! He came rushing up out of the water and stared at me with his big eye and said, 'Me like horn me take and play pretty music!' before he snatched my horn and disappeared back under the waves.
Find Quag Maelstrom in the Ocean of Tears on the Seafury Cyclops island. I was all prepared to solo chant-kite him (I was 49 at the time), when a 45 shaman wanted to help me out. I knew I didn't need his help, but thought it couldn't hurt. We found Quag at loc (1914, -6600). He was blue to me, and I could see him carrying my horn, it was very obvious. The shaman buffed me all up quite nicely, and gave me a sow and a levitate. The cyclops island is crowded with cyclops of course, so I pulled him to a nearby island. I quickly found he could run almost as quick as sow, so I just kept running round and round the island, chanting at him all the way. The shaman sicced his pet on Quag's behind. Looking back, it was quite humorous. Quag kept casting mana drains at me, which I resisted all but one, not that it affected my bardic mana anyway. A few times he was able to hit me, but I cast snare on him, which fixed that. When Quag did hit me, he hit anywhere from 30 to 117 points damage, but he didn't get close to me for the most part, only when I was dumb enough to turn around and look at him. I did use my Denon's Desperate Dirge, which hit him for 363 points damage. The entire fight took less than 7 minutes, and he dropped the Alluring Horn, a Pearl Necklace, and 4 plat. I am sure there are other ways to kill him, I just prefer to chant-kite when I solo.
Take the horn back to Vedico in Butcherblock and she will then give you a note to give to Forpar.
Vedico Windwisper says 'Where did you find this? I thought the cyclops took it. I am in your debt Kocho. This horn has always been special to me.' Vedico reaches into her pack and pulls out a note. 'Do you think you could deliver this to my gnome friend Forpar. I have not spoken to him in a while and unfortunatly I will be unable to make the trip to visit him. If you are looking to have an instrument made he is the man to ask.
Head to Steamfont Mountains and find Forpar Fizfla hanging out in one of the windmills, the second one from the druid ring. His loc is (pos 128, neg 600). He was apprehensive to me, so I used Cinda's Charismatic Carillion and then he was amiable to me. Hand him the note from Vedico and he talks about his mystical lute he can make.
You say, 'hail Forpar Fizfla' Forpar Fizfla says 'Get out you pesky Half Elf! I don't need any Half Elf germs! Out, ye filthy beast! [Play Cinda's Charismatic Carillion. Once he takes a liking to you, hand him your note.] Forpar Fizfla judges you amiably -- looks like he would wipe the floor with you! Forpar Fizfla says 'So you know Vedico! How is the lass? If Vedico would give you the time of day, you must be something special. What can I do for you? I hope you have not come to have me make another [mystical instrument]. You say, 'what mystical instrument?' Forpar Fizfla says 'I have made many mystical instruments in the past. Each one seemed to be better then the last. I have always had a dream of building the world's best lute, but I have yet to find someone brave enough to gather the components needed to make the instrument. You say, 'i can gather components' Forpar Fizfla says 'To make a mystical lute I will first need to make several pieces. If you bring me the backbone of an ancient fishman, a strong tentacle from one of the long lost amalgyms, and a petrified skull of a lycanthrope I may be able to create the head and neck of the instrument. If you go out and gather these things, make sure to bring me the note I gave you or I might forget who you are. I am getting quite old, you know. [Receive Forpar's note.]

Mystical Lute Head This is the next big part of the quest. Forpar tells you he is willing to make you an instrument, but only tells you how to make the Neck and Head of the instrument - the Mystical Lute Head. From what he says above, the list of items he needs includes (all these items are NO DROP): Backbone of an Ancient Fishman - Phinigel Autropos's spine (Kedge Backbone) from Kedge Keep Amalgym Tentacle - Amygdalan Tendril from Plane of Fear Petrified skull of a Lycanthrope - Petrified werewolf skull from Karnor's Castle on Drolvarg Warlord

Backbone of an Ancient Fishman - Off Phinigel Autropos in Kedge Keep
Phinigel Autropos requires a well-organized group or two to take down, and be sure and bring a good puller and mezzer with you. If the pull is not 100% successful Phinny might bring some Swirlspine Seahorses and Swirlspine Guardians with him. Our 28th level Pixie Strike mezz will not work on the adds, so you need to have the 53th level song to mezz, or bring along an enchanter. Try to pull the Swirlspine Seahorses one at a time, as they cannot be stunned, which means we cannot mezz them. Thankfully, the Swirlspine Guardians can easily be mezzed as a bard.
It is recommended that the best combination of songs to mem for the Phinigel raid (if you have them) are: 55 Occlusion of sound, 53 Song of Twilight, 55 Cantana Replenishment. Since this is an underwater dungeon, you might want to mem the Enduring Breath song just in case, and Jig (stamina) song if you are not level 55 yet. The Occlusion of Sound is very useful in stripping the seahorses and Phinigel of their Magic resistance. The casters are better able to land their nukes.
My guild has killed him 25 times, and about 5 times has a Kedge Backbone drop. Two groups seemed to be sufficient but a high level bard or enchanter is suggested just in case the pull brings back Phinnie and friends. Phinnie's backbone will fit into any container that can hold medium or larger items, or so I'm told. The Eye of Zomm exploit has been fixed, so I will not cover that here, as it no longer works.

Petrified Werewolf Skull - Off the Drolvarg Warlord in Karnor's Castle
The Drolvarg Warlord spawns inside Karnor's Castle just below the Hand Room. He is around level 51 to 54, and will summon. (The Warlord also has a rare Harmonic Dagger drop.) His placeholder is a Drolvarg Bodyguard and, in fact, there are 5-6 that spawn in his room. There have been cases when I have seen more than one Warlord spawn at a time.
A good party in the Hand room can pull the Warlord when they clear all the mobs. I'd say 50+ for all, and you need a cleric and chanter for sure. He will drop the Petrified Werewolf Skull, I believe about half the time.

Amygdalan Tendril - Amygdalan Warriors in Plane of Fear
The Amygdalan Tendril drops from the Amygdalan Warriors in the Plane of Fear. These mobs spawn in various spots around the zone. Best thing to do is let the raid leader know you need the tendril at the start of the raid. It's a substandard Warrior weapon, so it likely won't be an issue. Commonly referred to as the "amy whip".

Take all 3 items and the note back give to Forpar and he gives you back the Mystical Lute Head (a single item containing the head and neck of the lute).
[Hand Forpar his Note, Backbone, Petrified Skull, and Tendril]
Forpar Fizfla says 'Wow! I didn't think a Half Elf like you would be able to gather all of those things.' Forpar rambles around and works with small tools for a good ten minutes before handing you a very fine looking lute head. 'Now, do you want to gather the next pieces for me?'
[Receive Mystical Lute Head.]
You say, 'What next pieces'
Forpar Fizfla says 'The next pieces are a little harder to come by than those. To make the body of an instrument that will last for ages to come, I need something very special. The scales of a big red dragon and the scales of a big white dragon will make it unbreakable, as well as giving it a unique look. Some metal bits will allow me to hold the body together. Please, if you gather up these things, bring them to me as soon as possible. I have not felt this good in years!

Body of Mystical Lute When you receive your Head and Neck from Forpar, he will give you the quest for the body, which requires the following items: Large red Dragon Scale - Talendor of Skyfire, Lord Nagafen or Ragefire in Naggy's Lair, or Nortlav Scalekeeper in The Hole Large white Dragon Scale - Gorenaire of Dreadlands or Lady Vox in Permafrost Metal bit - 1 smithed metal bit, from smithing Tradeskill, trivial at 21 The white scale can be a bottleneck for the bard epic, as it is usually the hardest item to get, in terms that your guild is either to old for Vox, or too young for Gorenaire. If you do obtain a white scale, you are very close to finishing your epic. Red scale has many sources, of which are relatively easy obtainable. A new update to the quest is that Nortlav Scalekeeper is a new source of red scales, he is in the Hole, same room as Master Yael, and he lifetaps and stuff.
Based on reported loot drops, a scale will drop about 50% of the time for Vox/Naggy, and 33% of the time, multiple scales will drop, I've heard up to 6 white scales dropping from Vox. Some mobs like Nortlav are pretty much guaranteed to drop a red scale, not sure about Talendar.
Once you have these 3 items, port over to Forpar in Steamfont.
[Hand Forpar the red dragonscale, white dragonscale, and 1 metal bit]
Forpar Fizfla says 'Wooooooo! You are doing a wonderful job, Kocho. I wish I could go out and gather these things myself.' Forpar sits back down at his desk and pulls several very strange looking tools out. Eventually he looks up at you and says, 'The body is done! Only one more piece to go!'
[Receive Mystical Lute Body]

Mystical Lute Strings Finally, get the strings for the Lute - Trakanon Gut Strings. These drop from Trakanon himself (Level 65 dragon in Sebilis). There have been some recent changes to the quest. The Trakanon guts no longer drop from the regular Trakanon.
You get another copy of Trakanon to spawn by talking to the Undead Bard. The undead bard spawns approximately 18 +/- 4 hours after Trakanon is killed, although he has spawned immediately after Trakanon is slain as well. It may be unnerving to setup a whole raid party not knowing whether the UDB (Undead Bard) is up or not. His approximate location is neg 2100, neg 700. A ranger could not track the Undead Bard until the raid party reached the location neg 1600, neg 200. This means tracking range seems to be about 700 units. In the Jugg's castle before reets, Jumpy was trackable, UDB was NOT. With bard tracking, the UDB will only be trackable from the bridge to the lair.
You turn in your epic lute body to him. He returns the lute body immediately (appears in your inventory), becomes enraged, he needs to be killed. He is around level 55-56. Ask to have Rune V cast on you, as the Undead Bard will hit hard, this way you can make it back to your group alive. When the enraged undead bard is killed, Trakanon spawns. He drops Trak guts 100% of the time, and also drops a Trakanonian BP or class chest item (random) but no teeth.
Here is how the conversation will go with your Undead Bard:
You say, 'Hail, An Undead Bard' An Undead Bard says 'Hail, Kocho . Are you perchance a minstrel?' You say, 'I am a minstrel' An Undead Bard says 'I, too, am a bard, or was rather. I have been cursed by that blasted pile of bones who calls itself, Trakanon' You say, 'who is Trakanon' An Undead Bard says 'He is the undead dragon who rules this realm. I came on a quest seeking strings for my new instrument.' You say, 'what new instrument' An Undead Bard says 'I sought to create a Magical Lute.' You say, 'what Magical Lute' An Undead Bard says 'One that would make me the greatest bard in all the lands! Are you on a similar quest?' You say, 'I am on a similar quest' An Undead Bard says 'Well then, I would ask you a favor for one in return. If I bring that cursed dragon here, will you kill it for me?' You say, 'I will kill it for you' An Undead Bard says 'Excellent. I have stayed here far too long and I wish to go to my eternal slumber. But before I do so, I ask for one last request' You say, 'what is your one last request' An Undead Bard says 'Give me the Mystical Lute Body you have. I will return it, don't worry. I only wish to hold an instrument one last time before I leave.'
With your newly acquired Trakanon guts, head to Steamfont to meet your friendly little gnome again. Give the following lute parts to Foplar to receive the complete Mystical Lute: Mystical Lute Head Mystical Lute Body Gut strings [Receive Forpar's Mystical Lute] THen return the pages and the Mystical lute to Baldric Slezaf

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