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Association of Personal Historians (USA), Oral History Association (USA), International Biographical Center (UK), The PEN Club (Japan). Legacy Memoirs is an imprint of Breakthrough Seminars, Inc. (Japan)

� TAJ, 1999

About Legacy Memoirs

Legacy Memoirs is an imprint of Breakthrough Seminars, Inc., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Through our network of contacts worldwide, we've created a virtual publishing company that can transcribe existing tapes and letters, as well as record oral histories and produce beautifully crafted personal memoirs anywhere in the world. Publishing options have been created to suit the needs families in both English and Japanese, with plans to add other language capabilities soon. Our American representatives are based in Hawaii, California, Nevada and New York. We also have representatives in three locations in England.

Photo of Richard N. Cote

Legacy Memoirs was originally established in the United States in 1995 by historian and ghostwriter Richard N. Cote of DNC and Associates, Mt. Pleasant, SC, as the tradename for a line of custom biographies. Three years later, Richard teamed up with Tokyo-based publisher Thomas Ainlay Jr. to make the service available worldwide. Their mission is "to chronicle the lives of extraordinary ordinary people." Today the Legacy Memoirs team includes interviewers from Australia, Canada, England, India, Japan, and New Zealand, as well as the United States, plus more than two dozen transcribers, editors, and graphic designers.

Legacy Memoirs clients have included:

- A suicide survivor who rediscovered her faith in God, outlived two husbands, and now has five grandchildren.

- An adopted Japanese daughter who was raised in Manchuria before World War II and immigrated to Japan and then the USA.

- A Canadian teacher who wished to preserve the tapes and letters of her mother who had died in an automobile accident.

- The son of a World War II veteran who wished to create a tribute so that his children could know the history of the grandfather they had never met.

- Members of a private club who wished to preserve their memories of five decades of club activities.


Thomas Ainlay Jr.
Legacy Memoirs
E-mail: [email protected]

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