Addie Peyton/Katherine Newsome is played by Emily Hill. Addie has come to Legacy City a stranger to all, but to the history of the town and to it's founding family. The bastard first born daughter of billioniare Adam Cashman, Addie has grand plans to attain her proper place in Legacy City's elite by sweetness or by force. Under the guise of new student "Katherine Newsome" she will gain both the trust and affection of her long lost family and fellow students and will strike with the fury of a child hidden like a dirty secret when the time is right. While calculating through the sordid little town, Addie meets Gabriel a heavenly stranger who unbeknownst to her, is her guardian angel- the spiritual form of the lover her she lost in a previous life as Victoria Cashman in the 1700's. Will their new love be enough to combat Cassandra's evil schemes?

In the pilot episode, this character was portrayed by Mary Rogers. However, due to an internship in Washington DC, Mary left the show and talented newcomer Emily Hill gladly filled Addie's plotting shoes.


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