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Robert's Rant
Dear Leftees,

      Assuming that anyone even looks at this site anymore, and seeing how I am the only one that seems to remember we have a site, I am gonna tell you guys basically where we are at. Take it how you will. It is nothing solid and concrete.. but here is what I'm seein. 

     I can pretty much tell you all that we have no heart left in this band.  The only reason we would play a show would be for you guys (the fans) but we ourselves would not get anything out of it.  We have all basically moved on to different genres and half of us don't ever see the other half. 
     Now, dont think of this as an official break up notice. I know nothing about that. I am just saying what I feel and basically what I think all of us feel. Rob and Dale have another project called The Flavor Blue which seems to be more of their passion. If I am write on that subject I would say that they should strive for that.  Josh has really been kind of "burnt" out in this type of music. He still enjoys playing it, he would just rather be doing a different type of music. I also fall into that catagory. This whole pop punk thing we are in just doesn't cut it for me much anymore.  I love playin shows and rockin out with you guys, but I just don't get the enjoyment out of the music that I used to.  We all have just kinda separated ever since college started up. Whatever the future holds for us will of course be shown to us .... in the future.

     I dont even know if anyone reads this site anymore, but if you do. I would like to stress once more that this is nothing official, but you as our friends and fans should know where we stand( in my opinion of coarse). We love you guys and if the Gods of rock will it... we will continue to rock together... but The Leftovers are in a dark place right now, and there is no light to save us. So here is to what the future will bring. We love you guys!


   Michael Chandler

By the way, if you have any questions just write in the guest book and I will reply as soon as possible ... or one of us will ... maybe
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