Professional Experience

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I figured that there are a few items I could add to my resume, from my use of the internet since 1996. Surely all those hours spent have some use to help the advancement of my career....

Professional Experience :

Accomplished Internet User (1996-2002)

1. Active Participation in Intellectual Discourses within an International Community (i.e. chatting)

2. Dissemination and Propagation of Time Critical Information ( i.e. chain e-mailing jokes and stuff)

3. Exposure and Sharing of Cutting-Edge Ideas with the Leading Experts of Specific Fields of Interest (i.e. flame wars on mailing lists)

4. Voluntary 24-Hour On-Demand Availability (i.e. ICQ)

5. Exchanging Works of Art Utilising Client-Server Exchanges, Decentralized Servers, and later, Peer-to-Peer Networking (i.e. downloading MP3s and, uhhh.. other stuff)

6. Local Correspondent for Various News Agencies (i.e. lurking in newsgroups)

7. Marketing via Electronic Medium to an Estimated Target Audience of A Few Million People ( all that stuff on my homepage)

8. Developing Defensive Mechanisms as a Proactive Means of Internal Security Protection (learning how to avoid all those dang email viruses)

9. Various Mind Stimulating, Phsyically Exhausting and Endorphine Secreting Extra-Curricular Activities (errr..ahem..)

10. Active Non-Profit Contributor of Contemporary 21st Century Literature (right here )

.: Leftnwrite - 3/8/2002 :.

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