A Proposal to UN

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Frankly, I'm tired of reading about it in the papers or watching it over the news. I can't see why the Israel-Palestine problem has gone on for so along. The solution is there, staring at our faces all along. It's very simple- it just needs some guts and bravado to execute.

So here's my idea: Let's just nuke the place.

Yup. Well, not with the innocent civilians around (that's would be like so... inhuman?). First, we evacuate the area of people and other living creatures (how many are there any, anyway?), then we nuke it and blow a huge hole on that piece of land, so that it does not exist anymore. An alternative, if we can't blow a huge enough hole, is to nuke it, and then barricade it, and make it a no-entry zone. Since it's poisoned by radiation, nobody would venture near it for like a million years (enough time for apes to take over the planet).

No more land, no more quarrel. And as an added bonus, one less excuse for terrorist wannabes.

And the people. Well, I'm sure America can cough up a few billion bucks to buy and build amenities on an island (maybe somewhere in the Mediteranean, or Caribbean, or South Pacific), and the Israelis can start a new life there. If English convicts managed to build a new life in some remote island (what is now Australia), I can't see why this is not possible for the Israelis. And I'm pretty sure any island is better than that dry, arid piece of land they're attached to now.

Some would say it's a piece of holy land. All I see is sand (you can get sand on the island beach). And thousands of innocent people killed over some family grudge. If it's holy, why fight and kill in it? If it's holy, why do mortals even dare to trample over the land? That's like blasphemy. Holy things should not be touched right? So, make it untouchable - nuke it and build a wall surrounding it. And the Palestinians, like the Israelis, shall be given a new home. The Arabs should be rich enough, with all their oil money, to buy some island for their brothers to build a new life. Or if they prefer the desert, there's lots in Saudi Arabia, Iran or Iraq to choose from.

Similarly, if the American government rather spend their money on other causes (like nuking Iraq), maybe they can donate a piece of land instead for the Israelis, like somewhere in Alaska should be large enough. Or some other large enough country can donate a piece of land, like Russia or China or Canada. (It must be on a voluntary basis, of course. We don't want to start a new quarrel) So, for peace's sake, let go of the past and step into the future.

"It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more uncertain of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than the creation of a new order of things. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old instituion and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new ones"- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, 1513

.: Leftnwrite - 9/27/2002 :.

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