Getting Along

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A Lesson In Survival - Getting Along
(what they never taught you in school)

To be successful in your career and survive the corporate jungle, you need to have human interaction skills. One of these is the art of getting along with others (your co-workers, superiors, subordinates, customers, clients etc).

Everyone has their own opinions and ideas about things and people. How you, in interacting with a person, respond to him in this matter is crucial in your getting along with him.

Now here's how you can respond:
1. if you agree with the other person's opinion, agree with him heartily.
2. if you do not agree, do not be too pushy about your own opinion to the point of sounding arrogant.
3. if you have no opinion, then you might as well agree.
4. if a person, A, disses another person, B, and you agree with A, emphatise with A.
5. if you disagree with the dissing, you'd still want to emphatise with him to get him to believe that you are on his side. (EMPATHY can get you very far).
6. now let's say you're talking with B. B starts dissing A. This is same as tip no. 4 if you agree with B, or tip no. 5 if you disagree.
7. so here's the crucial part. You have to empathise with A when he disses B, and B when he disses A. But who do you really agree with ? Both? Only one of them? None of them?
8. If you do not empathise with any party or only one party, you've got 100% or 50% respectively less of people whom you can get along with.
9. Therefore to maximize the number of people you get along with, you have to empathise with both parties. But that makes you a hypocrite, because you'll be agreeing to two conflicting sides.

Therefore you need to be a hypocrite in order to maximise your chances of success in your career.

.: 12/29/2001 :.

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