Follow Your Heart

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Follow Your Heart
by Andrew Matthews

Andrew Matthews explains why one should 'follow the heart'and how.

1. We are here to learn lessons, and the world is our teacher
- Disappointments, failures, disasters, prroblems, pain - these are lessons which are necessary for the learning process. When we fail to learn a lesson, we get to take it again... and again! (And the lesson becomes increasingly painful.) Once we have learned the lesson, we move on to the next one. And we never run out of lessons! As long as you're breathing, school is in session.
- Act as if every event has a purpose. Eveery person who walks into your life is a teacher (although that doesn't mean you have to like them).

2.The universe has no favorites
-Your success and happiness depend on natuural principles- and how you use them. You reap your harvest after you do your work. The universe rewards effort, not excuses.
-Life is a progression. One thing leads too another. Start anywhere you can, give your best shot and opportunity will begin to find you.

3.Your life is a perfect reflection of your beliefs
-We create our own reality and lifescriptss. Most of us would rather be 'right' than be happy. When you change your deepest beliefs about the world, your life changes accordingly.

4.The moment you get too attached to things, people, money... you screw it up
-The challenge in life is to appreciate evverything and attach yourself to nothing. Detachment is not disinterest. It is possible to be detached and still be very determined.
-If you want something, give it away, and without wanting it back. If you expect something back, you are attached to a result- and when you are attached, less happens.
-Hating is a bad idea- you remain invisiblly connected to it.

5.What you focus on in life expands
-Any conscious thought repeated over a perriod of time becomes a programme. So think about what you want.

6.Follow your heart!
-Your mission in life is not to be withoutt problems- your mission is to get excited.
-Either i) Change your attitude and enjoy any job you have, or ii) Change your job and do something you love
-If you don't know exactly what you want, figure out what is closest to it and start from there.
-It's not what you do, it's how you do it,, and how you are serving people.

7. God is never going to come down from a cloud an say: " You now have permission to be successful."
-Nobody is born with a special permission to succeed. God doesn't say: "You can" or "You can't". You do. Once we make a decision to do a thing, the means appear.

8.When you fight life, life always wins.
-If you want more peace of mind, stop labeeling everything that happens as 'good' or 'bad'.
-The less rules you have about how life ouught to be and how other people ought to behave, the easier it is to be happy.
-We are happiest when we are helping otherr people with their lives. We are loneliest when our principle goal is our own personal security.
-Look at things as a whole, see the large picture. The more we break things down, the more we lose the essentials.
-Death...and then what? It seems reasonablle to assume that any qualities and talents you develop in this life, you'll get to take with you. So the best bet is to develop ourselves to our full potential here and now- and hope the benefits are transferable.

9. How do you love people? Just accept them.
-We are here to learn to love one another.. Complete acceptance is unconditional love.

10. Our mission in life is not to change the world- our mission is to change ourselves.
-We move through the following phases in llife: 1. We have no particular goals 2. We work on our goals 3. We work on ourselves.


*Based on the book, these are a series of questions that can serve as useful exercises :
1. what are you doing in your life that may be a mistake, and what lesson can you learn from it?
2. Is there anything staring you in the face that you have failed to notice?
3. What can you learn from the events in your life?
4. Watch how the law of cause and effect at work in your life
5. What are your beliefs about the world? Can you give them a better perspective?
6. What 'reality' or lifescript is holding you back? Can you change them?
7. Focus on what you want (positive thoughts) instead of what might go wrong (negative thoughts)

.: 7/6/2002 :.

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