Left Handed Staircase
      The band has only been together for a short while, but has large plans. With the high energy between Tone, Nick, Mike, And Chris, there is no comparison between them and any other band. They are able to get one whole song out in a practice, and thus they already have many of their own songs.  It's enough to just make you want to stand up and hit someone! (Preferably with your left hand)
If you don't like Left Handed Staircase, you're out of your right mind.
We now have a guestbook!Sign it!
(Left hand only please)
This Is The Handy Contact Button
Feel free to contact us with this handy button....
^Visit our new page and vote on your favorite logo!
LHS Bio Page
LHS Set List Page
LHS Gear Page
LHS Pics Page
Set List
LHS Logo Page - Vote On Your Favorite Logo!
LHS Gigs Page - If You Want To See Us...
^Check out what gigs we have had, or ones that are coming up!
Note: Not too long ago, there was a signature in our guestbook that referred to the inverted star on the bios page. It was asked when we 'started working for Satan.'  We don't work for satan. If you don't like us, our music, or something that we did, then feel free to email us and be as vulgar as you want. We will be happy to calmly and maturely prove you wrong. If you're going to post something about us directly onto our site, then just refrain from any inappropriate language. We will be glad to ignore you.

Keep on rockin'
- Left Handed Staircase
<< GO NOW!! >> www.lefthandedstaircase.com
Note that lefthandedstaircase.com is still under construction... and we give 'mad props' to Chrism, our web guy.  He's our Baby Girl. ;-)
10/9/03 - Steve quit.  We already have someone in mind to replace him, and we'll keep you updated.
Please note that this site is no longer monitored.
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