NiCkS wEbPaGe ;)
Hello yet again I make another webpage. This one should be one of the best ones that I am going to do. If yall havent seen any of the other websites that I have done then e-mail me and let me know and I can send you a link to those websites. Hopefully when this one is done there should be some links to some of my other sites so keep on checking back.
  This webpage has a lot of things that are coming to it. One thing that is going to be here probably the soonest is my Tribute page to September 11th. I hope to have that done by the end of next week. That is going to have pictures of the trajedies from our country after the attacks and some new pictures on what it is looking like now and as I find out new plans on the World Trade Center I will let you know about that.
  Also I need your help with some pictures. I need pictures of when people have come together. Like meet at the pole, if you have any pictures of things like that then send them to me. I also am trying to get pictures of how people are coming together and how our country is reuniting so if you have anything that i could use just go ahead and e-mail it to me.
  Also in the near future there is going to be some pages on here with pictures of my friends. With the scanner at my house, pictures people send me, or ones that i just come across may just end up on here. So therefore you might want to keep on checking back to see if you are on there. Also if you want to be on that page then send me a picture of you looking your finest.
  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions then you can e-mail them to me also. My e-mail address is [email protected] so feel free to let me know how I am doing.
Last but not least dont forget to sign my guest book when you are looking at the website. Thanks ;) <--Nick 9-18-02
Here is a picture of me on the first day of school, my Senior year.
Check out some of these other great sites, soon there will be some of mine on here.
Tribute to 9-11. I started this page also there will be more added as time goes on.
Alright I started my photobook so you can start checking it but I'm not going to be able to get much done this week.
Check out Britney's Page by clickin here.
Wanna get some cool wallpapers check out this site.
Here is just a little bit about me.
Name: Nick
Email: [email protected]
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