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About Us
We live in Owosso, Michigan,
on four beautiful acres in the woods.
You can learn more about us by visiting 
Leezard's Home Page at:
We are:
Click on a name or scroll down for more

I am a registered nurse who has been working in Emergency Room for a long time.  I also received an Associate's Degree in Computer Networking in May, 2003. I've started my own business doing web site design and other computer work (Aditi Design). I've also recently taken a job as Medical Examiner Investigator in my county.  I love my animals, my family, and my garden (I suppose my computer, too).

Phoenix is my life partner, and shares our wonderful home with me.  She is an attorney with the Michigan Judicial Institute, and is a multi-talented individual.  She has done it all, from repairing cars and furnaces, to acting, to artwork, to political activism.  I especially appreciate her skill with a chainsaw, as my most recent outdoor project has been clearing woods. 


Melinda is my daughter, now 22 years old.  She is a college student at Michigan State University in her senior year, and making decisions about grad school.  You will usually see Klark when you see Melinda - he is her devoted service dog.  Melinda is an amazing young woman.  She became paraplegic after a car accident 7 years ago, and has not let a thing get in her way between her and her dreams.  She would hate to have me say it, but she is an inspiration to everyone who has ever met her. You can visit her home page at http://www.geocities.com/mejo0507/

The Animals

Kalie                  Kasper                    Kismet

Kalie and Kasper are 13 years old and littermates who have grown up together.  Kismet is 6 now, and wants to be the boss, though Kasper gives her a good reminder that he's still the big dog every now and then.

Bah                                Klark
Baby Bah is our kitty, though she's almost a year old now.  She was named by Baby Joseph, who lived with us when we got Bah.  Klark is Melinda's service dog - he helps her a lot with pulling her wheelchair and retrieving things.  But he's a lot of fun when he's off-duty, and lives to play ball.

Zoe and Chloe
Zoe was our first cat.  She's very laid back and friendly.  Chloe came around a year later, and while she acts big and mean and tough, she cuddles like no other.  They both like to hunt, much to our dismay.

Last updated November 1, 2003

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