          The founder of buddhism is Siddharta Gotama(623BC-543BC) who is usally called Buddha which means the Enlightened One in Sanskrit.He lived  about 2500 years ago in northern India as a prince of the  Kapilavatu city.He was not a mythical person but an actual,historical person who introduced the buddhism.He had gave up his rich and comfortable life as a prince to become a truth-seeker on 29 years old when he saw the suffering that human faced to, such as the suffering that human cannot avoid like being old and week,sickness death and so on.He had gained the Enlightenment when he was meditating under a Bodhi tree on the age of 35 years old.He then unterstood the cause of suffering and he knew the way to free from suffering.His basic teacher is called Four Noble Truths which are Dukkha,Samudaya,Nirodha, and Marga.

--The suffering in the world.Such as sickness, old age, death, parting from the lovd ones, not getting what one want, meet something that one hate and so on.

Samudaya--The cause of suffering.The cause of suffering is desire or craving based on greed and selfishness.The more one crave, the more ansatisfactory life is.

Nirodha--The end of suffering.To end the  suffering ,desire must be removed.Just as a fire dies when no fuel is added, so unhappiness will also end when the fuel of craving is removed.To end suffering one should follow the Marga.

Marga--The way to end suffering.To end suffering is to follow the Middle Path or Noble Eightfold Path which contain three aspect-Sila(morality), Samadhi(mental discipline), and Panna(wisdom):

Right Speech
                                    Right Action
                                    Right Livelihood
                                    Right Effort
                                    Right Mindfulness
                                    Right Concentration
                                    Right Understanding
                                    Right Thought

         After 45 years Gotama the Buddha preaching his teaching to all the people in India,he passed away at the age of 80 on the full moon day in the mounth of Vesak.There was to be no more rebirth and death for him because he had reached Nibbana.

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