What's New?
10/31/2006 ... HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Just wanted to touch base with everyone and let you know how everything is going here in Myrtle Beach.
     Sadly, as most of you noticed on the front page, Friday night we lost our beloved Micheal Spillane. Micheal passed away in his home on Friday 10/27. Micheal has been a Bowery veteran for a very long time and he will be missed terribly.
     On a lighter note, I would like to thank everyone who visits the site regularly to listen to my original music! Each time you listen through my site, the song is requested to play via ListenerStation.com. Each month they use the most requested song in each genre for a 60 radio spot, advertising both the artist/song and Listener Station. For the month of November, I am proud to announce that they will be using "Guilty As Charged" for their commercial and also have interviewed me for a spread in November's issue of the A&R Registry! The commercial will be aired on country radio nationwide, so as soon as I recieve that information I will be happy to pass it along to everyone here! Thank you so much for your support!
9/14/2006 ... Well hello again from Myrtle Beach, SC! Unfortunately, I don't have much news about the CD other than some new tunes that the band has been playing nightly in preperation for the 2nd half of the disc, so hopefully we'll have that done soon. I do have some great news as most of you saw on my front page though. With everyone's help and some good judging by the folks at SizzleFizzle.com, "The Bottle On The Bar" was crowned winner in the Best Country Songwriting competition. We beat out 32 other artists/songs so morale is up lately and as usual, I've been working on some new stuff periodically that I'll be able to share soon! Have a great weekend and hope to see yall soon!
7/3/2006 ... What's new you ask? Well this page of course! It's great to hear from everyone and thanks so much for being patient as I build this site. There are now 10 new songs in the Lyrics/Audio section for veiwing and I've also opened up an online store which is now up and running. In the next few days I will add a few more tunes for listening. I've began writing already for my 5th batch of songs with a waltzy song called "Bare Floors and Boxes". I plan to record a new acoustic CD very soon and I'm taking requests as to what the public might want to hear on that CD. Feel free to take your time and browse through the lyrics page and cast your vote through email. Those of you who frequent the Bowery may already know what your favorite acoustic song is, in which case please email your request and maybe it will appear on the next CD. The Bounty Hunters have also began the new CD at a studio in North Myrtle which should be released within the next month or so. This CD will feature studio recordings of "Good Country Music", "Guilty As Charged", "Heroes Today", "Redneck Limousine", "When I'm With You" plus originals no one has heard yet....how exciting!! Thanks for stopping by and this site will continue to grow so please check back often. Don't forget to listen to the tunes and automatically help me get "In The Limelight" on ListenerStation! Thanks for your support!
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