The Glass Heart

Why must I fall?
Every time I pick myself up, I�m brought down once again
Every time I heal my heart, it seems to turn to glass so quickly I can�t stop it.
There�s a place reserved for love, love you can not give
And you�ve cut yourself into it.
You�ve rubbed salt into my fragile heart.
I�m hurting, I�m screaming, I�m crying
I do not deserve this
Please learn to treat me as a close friend
Because if you can�t, you�ll shatter the glass.
You�ll kill my caring.
You�ll kill me.
Why must I doubt myself?
When I was so sure of what I wanted.
You make me question myself, my values, my life
Why did we cross the line?
Because we wanted too.
It felt amazing to have fun, to relax, to free myself in your arms.
Do I want a relationship with you??? �..???
I can�t help it, you�ve found your way into my heart.
I don�t know how much of a hold you have on it yet
And it confuses me
Please don�t pierce the glass
Please don�t cut me apart
I don�t deserve the pain
And I may not survive the tears.
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