Telling Your Future
I read the words you once wrote down
when I was younger and out of town
and I want so badly to hold your hand
To tell you you're going to become a great man

The pain you felt got harder everyday
I want to tell you I'm on my way
To sit with you through the times you've cried
To help let the bad times pass you by
I'm coming to bring a smile to your face
But I'll tell you now.... I'll be replaced

Because the timing was off, you weren't ready for love
Your heart still layed in the one you lost to above
You needed a friend, to take care of yourself
So I put my feelings on the shelf
I loved you more than anyone in this world
I wanted so badly to keep being your girl
But I knew that everything was wrong
And I knew that this time you couldn't be strong
It was up to me to do what was best
I stepped up and passed the hardest test
I looked in your eyes and conquered my fear
As I saw them quickly fill with tears
All I wanted to do was kiss them away
But it wasn't right, it wasn't ok
You broke down and began to cry
And I told you that this wasn't goodbye
That I will always be in your life
Even if not as your girlfriend, your love, your wife
You'll forever hold a place in my heart
No matter how life tries to pry us apart

That summer away was so hard for me
I wanted to know if you were happy
I thought of another, but was still tied to you
And wondered if we could start anew
I saw you with the other girls
Being wild and fooling around
I couldn't look at them, they put me in such a bad mood
Because I knew they weren't good enough for you

Then came fall and my world began to unwind
But you were always there, it was like you read my mind
You protected me from the hurt outside
I wanted to take you away, to run and hide
You got hurt once more, that one last time
And I wanted to hold your hand in mine
I wanted to tell you that she was all wrong
And I knew in my heart something better would come along
Although I still wanted to be the only one
I knew our time as a couple was over and done

Then along came the girl that lit up your life
The girl that ended your time of strife
I wanted to hate her, to know she wasn't "the one"
But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help having fun
She was so sweet, so fun, and all the while
I could see she was making you smile
And I saw that look trapped in your eyes
That look like you had won the world's best prize

Now that we're all friends it makes me grin to see
That you're both so connected, so extremely happy
I'm also so happy that even when she's around
We can say what we feel, without backing down
We can sit there together while she's there too
And still tell each other "I'll always love you"

So don't worry, my darling from years before we met
Life will soon through you a safety net
And don't worry if things don't turn out as planned
You grow up to become one hell of a man.
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