I don't know why you haunt me
Why do I want you even now
After I was so sure this wasn't right
After I was so ready to say goodbye

I don't know why you tease me
Standing on tiptoes, just out of reach
If you stand on tiptoes there's nowhere to look
But up.
I have no other choice
Looking down is not an option
So the faults disappear like winding smoke
Drifting into the sky above

They never fade completely
I know they're there, I've seen them before
I don't want a future together
Not romantically
I don't want to invest more emotion than you're willing to give
I can't be your doormat

I miss how intimate we were
Even before that night
Like two stars aligned in the sky
We were so close to one another
But another month came
And the arrangement of our stars changed
We drifted apart

     ............But I can't get you out of my heart.

When I see your picture I can't help but smile
When we're together I want to run my fingers through your hair
I want to wrap my arms around you
I want to give you innocent kisses

   ..............And other times I don't want to be so innocent. 

It's time to check my calendar
And wonder when the stars allign again
I want you, I don't want you.
Will I ever figure out where to place you in my heart?
Next to friendship? Next to love?

Friends tell each other when things happen in their lives
Friends know how to make that phone call just to catch up
Friends take each others' feelings into consideration

   ..................Are you my friend? We both take it for granted that you are.

I can't figure you out
But I love you
And always will
I only wish I wasn't blinded by your shine
Because without you I'm struggling to see
What's real in the night air.
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