One year ago we met, In the pool that summer day
On vacation from the world,Not expecting something so wonderful to come our way

One year ago we tossed a ball, Between ourselves and other friends
We laughed, we talked, we love? We never wanted those nights to end

One year ago you smiled at me, You held me in your arms
But nothing happened one year ago, Although I so wanted to fall to your charms

One year ago I was his
And you never once led me astray
We had our fun, we played our games
We were together...for seven days.

For seven days we danced
Around the thoughts we were dying to voice
But we would not relent, we steadied our lips
We did not have a choice

For seven days my heart ached
Ached to be with you
To lay together, to share our days together
To explore something so bright, so new

You brought me breakfast in the morning
While I hurried to catch the bus
I thought about you every minute
Was there really something that strong between us?

The nights brought lighted curtains
We both were watching from behind
The phone would ring asking us to come visit
It was like you read my mind

Each night was different,
Fun-filled every one
I couldn't hide my sadness
When the seven days were done

I remember how you smiled at me
How you gently touched my hair
I remember how I brushed your leg
I remember how I cared

There's something about you I can not explain
That I can not possibly say
How can I make people understand
Why I cry as if this were all just yesterday?

I succeeded all year in forgetting
In putting you at the back of my mind
But now I can't erase those eyes
So warm, so soft, so kind

It should all be so easy
I've erased my feelings before
Why do I feel that with you
There's something so much more?

Something so great it forces me to think
Just what our life would be 
Could I live so far away from here
Could you take care of me?

Everything is so crazy,
I haven't seen you in a year!
But every time we finish talking
I shed a silent tear

We'll always be together
Our lives are forever entwined
But in what way will you be in my heart?
Why are you always on my mind?

But mostly, what I need to know
Is why I long to have you near...
Why my cheeks burn bright with tears...
Why it seems like I left you only yesterday,
When my heart's been breaking for one year
One Year
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