Coming Home....
I left Penn State on May 9th and I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my entire life. My friends helped me pack the car and then we said a sad goodbye. Goodbye to Tener Hall, goodbye to each other for three whole months. :( I must've given the same people like 5 goodbye hugs each cuz we just couldn't let go! It hurt so much to tear myself away from you guys and head towards the car for the long ride home. Denise, Kim, DANA! you guys especially broke my heart! The last minutes before I hopped into the car it was Kim, Denise, Dana, Ali, John, and Tim standing around. The guys weren't crying, but you girls were! And it made me cry even harder! lol YOU DIDN'T HELP! haha but I'd be yelling at you even more if you hadn't been bawlin when I left ;) I love you guys!

     I miss and love you all! Here's some stuff I'll never's all what made my first year at PSU so amazing:

       Tener Hall, The Cave, Brunch as a Family, Car Rides, ATO, PHI WHO, "NEVA AGAIN!", football games, weekly visits from Chris and Andrew :), Harrisburg boys, Marines, "Gumby Sticks", Canyon Pizza, Pizza with Ranch Dressing, Tuesdays at Players, Singing into hairbrushes, "Listen Baby...", "ALL BY MYSELLLLFFFF!!!!" (Tim, Scott, Dana, and Me haha), Bowl Appetites, "Mom", the helmut, hacky sack, the theme song to my life, caramel, hey ma, tribal dancing, making coffee, the ugly fish, killing all the fish, flood on Dana's bed, macoroni and cheese spilled on the floor, chef boyardee spilled on my sheets, making Kim change my sheets, "ghetto", half-naked Brittany, Aubrey flipping out, making roommates cry (haha Dana and Kim), sea monkeys, cops tackling people in bushes, Summer in a Bottle, Cave #2, Swiffer, the Big O, Roxy's, Good 2 Go, Hot Tony, Cake Icing, Streamers for my birthday, Cave drawings, couches outside, juggling fire, "Where's Phil-do?", Running into the woods, "I would just sit here", quote books, video camera, Snappy's, Sheep, Concerts, Linkin Park, gettin stuck in the woods, Sharkie's, nasty ass elevators, getting on the wrong bus, fresh express, flip flops, THE BOX OF KIM'S SHIT, somehow giving Denise's pants to my sister, Ali's goat snoring, Ju Jitsu, all-nighters just to talk,cold football games, the cold, playing in the snow, going to Walmart and coming out sledless, Munchies (the snack), puttin people in the soup, lighting bikes on fire, lighting paper on fire, fire safety Michael, HIPPIE NIGHTS.....
If you think of anything else, write it here:
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