<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/leeshers2001/userfiles:/user/MCCanttakethataway.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Geeze...where to begin...ok, well, my name is Alicia Afton Arnold (Triple A), I was born on September 6, 1982 (Labor Day).  I had a headfull of dark hair and I was soooo cute!   My first word was George.
Well, I got older and I started school...I went to Concordia Lutheran School.  I was very shy, but I did very well...I got straight A's on every report card.
When I got older, like 4th grade, I started doing cheerleading and dance and that was fun.  I also played volleyball and basketball and did pretty well.
Then, when I graduated from Concordia, I went to Bridgetown for a year.  When I got there, I met Amy and Mary Beth and Evan and David and all those fun people and we did all of our fun things, like the Duck Sauce Bandits.  That was fun, I did Beaver Talk and Band and all of those fun things.
Then came sophomore year and I went to Oak Hills High School and for most of the year I hung out with Amy and the gang, til about the end of the year when the group kinda split.

Junior year came, and I started hanging out with Cassie and Amy M. and Lindsay and Matt and those fun people and I think our favorite thing to do was definately go to BW3 to play trivia!  Oh and alphabetize license plates at Bigg's for those who know what I'm talking about, MATT!
Toward the end of the year, I started hanging out with Clark also, and that was fun.  We had a lot of fun hanging out during Best of Oak Hills.
The came SENIOR YEAR!  It was a blast, I hung out with lots of people, Matt, Clark, Cassie, Jenny, Brad, Wayne, Brandon David, Jarrod, etc, etc, etc.  Matt, Jenny and I did the drive around town thing, Clark and I did the laughing and goey ball thing and the rest of us just had a good time.  Then I graduated.
Now, I'm a freshman at EMU.  I'm double majoring in German and International Business.  It should be fun. Oh and Wayner, I love ya lots, you're awesome baby doll!  I love my Big Wayner...Tony, you rock too...Leesh face!  Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, k?  Oh, and Babs...just get ready to go rollin' on the river when I come home!
E-MAIL:  [email protected]

AIM:  LadyAleesh
This is a better picture of me, Tony took of me at the mall.
"Leesh Quotes"
"Oh boy!  Geeze Louise!"
"Great Googley Woogley!"
"Who loves Leeshers?"
"Everybody loves Leeshers!"
"Because, I'm Leesh!"
"No pouting...and I mean it!"
"Let me guess...I'm driving"
"I love Baby Alto!"
"I'm not OCD!"
"I'm a hermaphridite, in the second stall...behind you"
"Scheiben kleister!"
"Richtig Dass!"
"Ja Ja!"
"Loser, loser, double loser, as if, whatever, get the picture, DUH!!!!"
"Shut up!"
"Whateva whateva"
"I'm oooover it!"
"Danke, Danke!"
"Puke in here!"
"I'm gonna throw some shade cuz I'm over it!"
Fun Leesh Memories
-Dayton trip with Matt.
-Les Misrables trip with Matt.
-Singing homeless men.
-Midgets in Canada.
-Toilet papering with Andy and the gang.
-Climbing The ELC Cliff.
-Alphabetizing license plates.
-Sweeping Neeb Road with the gang.
-Going to the circus with Brandon and my Matt
-Midnight trips to Subway with Joshua
-John pukin on me...not a good memory, but a memory!

These are just some, I'll add to it later.
Well, ok, so I'm not too happy about my decision I made to stay in this wonderful city...but hey,I made my choice and now I'm suffering, huh?  I'll deal, I think once I FINALLY get into school everything will be ok.  For those who don't know, I'm staying at UC now...but the whole sending of the transcripts process kinda messed me up a lot, but don't worry, I'll be starting in March!  Same major by the way.  In the meantime, I'm working as a cashier at Sam's Club, everyone should come out and see me sometime, I'll sign you up for a membership or a Sam's Club personal credit!  Oh and so you don't feel left out...love ya Joshua!  I guess you'd be in here too...sorry I didn't mention you above...it was before our friendship began.  But now you're my best buddy and I love ya, so I gotta stick ya in here.
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