Please fill out info. for Manny so he could improve this site.

1 2 3 4
please rate1=best 4=needs work

Suggestions or comments

The only reason I graded it "1" was to balance out the comments I have stored up for you to come, so you don't shoot yourself. 1)when you start off with "this page is dedicated to the greatest game ever made..." and then say my whole life I had watched or played baseball, it sounds like you're dedicating the page to baseball. 2)"one day during my growth into manhood..." You know you're still a little bitchkiddy. 3)"The next thing I new I was playing basketball everyday after school unless I was watching the playoffs.." Manny bouncing a ball and clanking up prayers is not called "playing basketball." Stick to "watching." You won't hurt yourself.

And all I've criticized so far is you're intro page. What if I went through the whole thing? I wouldn't do that ta ya, buddy. Who else would I beat on when I come home for Christmas.

I'm just playing, Manny. You can stop crying now. I'm proud of you, buddy. That's awesome. For real, manny, I think that's the coolest thing you have EVER done in your life, even though that doesn't say much. One thing you forgot to add in there, though: A picture of me whuppin your butt in basketball under your "favorite player." See you later man.  

Your master,


Just think of it this way Manny, I'm the guy with the ball, and you're some tall French dude.

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