(last updated 2/23/02)
The Punching Bag:

(The Rambunctious Page of Frustrations/Complaints)

This page is founded on the principle that a little shouting and complaining does wonders for happiness. Here is the origins of this brainchild sector of Abe's House:

12/11/01, with way too many consecutive hours of cram-studying, 1:11am: ahhheirjeorw[wlkjrhu09. ooljp9uwpipojrwur;w'ajimagnocellularneurons. substantia nigra. poop.
...1:26am: so instead of studying these past ten minutes, I've just been pointlessly internally voicing my frustrations at the ridiculous amounts of information that is required of us poor students, and so just to procrastinate a little longer, I figured I'd let out my anger (i.e. whining) a little more to whoever's reading this. I think it'd be great if all of us who are frustrated out there could consolidate our frustrations, whatever they are, be it final exams, a bad haircut, the funk of your roomate's socks, or whatever, and express them, and I'll post them up, and it'll be like a constructive group session in Abe's House. So email me with a sentence, a novel, or just a couple words of what you have on your chest (you can even specify to be posted "anonymous"), and just think of me as a punching bag, and you can punch, and punch and jab, and kick the shit out of it, and beat and claw, bite, tear, rip, twist and headbutt (the metaphorical) me as many times as you want. For example: NEURO SUUUUUUUCKS. Whew! much better.

Yeah, that's the spirit, man! except you gotta do something about that big zit you got on your forehead...

This next complaint could be YOURS! Email me with your frustrations/complaints!
October 28, 2002, 11:48pm

Once, I decided to procrastinate the heaps of pointless work the fine University of Texas professorsunload on me, by visiting a friends' amatuer web page. But instead of enjoying a relaxing read ofnot-so-interesting tidbits of his life, I had to sitthrough him gloating about a glorious defeat at thehands of varsity basketball players. That does notrelax me. Such a story is not suitable for my preciousprocrastination time. Such a story only angers up theblood; makes me itch to say 'i got next', stirs up theimagination about what is possible. I can't do work inthis state! I can only play ball. The procrastinationhas led to more procrastination. Let my poor grades be on your head, Abe!


March 12, 2002, 9:44pm
It SUUUUUUUUCKS when you sit at your messy dorm-room desk located in 39-degree Providence about to start a 219 page book you have to read for class by 2pm tomorrow, and your "friends" from back home call you on their cell phone, excitedly yelling over the crowd noise, that they are (crowd roars and subsides suddenly) all together at the American Airlines Arena in Bayside Miami, watching a Heat game ("Eddie Jones, for threeeeeeee!" comes over the loudspeakers), and how it's too bad ("oh my god! did you see that?!" Anthony yells in the background) you aren't there right now ("Oooh! that was in his face!" Eddie exclaims in between having-a-grand-ol-time laughter) watching it (another burst of crowd roar) with them. Yeah, it's too bad. Thanks for the call. You all suck.

-I am pissed

The sun is rising, it is 6 am, I have not slept a wink, I have much more to write, and my brain is as slow as a slug. Tomorrow I will be tired. Woah. I better get back to work.
(March 12, 2002, 6:07am)


February 27, 2002, 2:05pm
So my complaint:

So yeah, two Sundays ago, I had to get up at 8 in the morning for this serious/important meeting in Brownstone (www.duke.edu/web/brownstone), I walked over to my desk, reaching for my glasses. They weren't there, so i went over to my dresser, they weren't there either. I went to the bathroom to check, still couldn't see my glasses. I walked slowly to the common's room for the meeting, making sure that I don't run into the wall. After the meeting, I checked my desk, my dresser, and the bathroom again to make sure my glasses weren't there, then went back to bed, telling myself I'd find them when i get up. So around noon, i got up, and began to get worried, after i checked my desk, my dresser, and the bathroom again. (What sucks about being unable to find your glasses is that you can't see to find them to begin with....) So i put on my contact lenses, looked at my desk, my dresser, and the bathroom again (this time checking the bathroom floor too). So I put up an away message, and after there was no luck, i began to give up, and made a final desperate attempt: putting on my away message with a CASH REWARD. it's really weird, you kind of develop emotions for lifeless things after a while, especially after you spend an entire day looking for them. That's why i almost broke into tears, when my RA knocked on my door, and told me that "housing found your glasses... but it's all broken.." so yeah, i really wish i just never would've seen them again, because it really hurt when i saw them all bent, broken, missing a piece of the glass, missing the screws......

-Anthony    (<--editor's note: see Backyard Thoughts entry on 2/7/02) (and then laugh at Tony some more)

Monday, February 25, 2002, 8:59pm
You know what I hate? Having so much damn free time. Yes you heard me. Free time! College currency. The ability to do what you want at any given moment. Having no ties or obligations to anyone or anything. Sure, it was fun at first, not being enrolled as a student here. Hehe just kidding. But it sure felt like it. All my friends are going to class and... doing things... academic things that makes me kinda lonely. At this particular moment I noticed that your complaints page hasn't recieved any new material. I would complain about that but mostly my angst stems from me having so much free time. If I had something to do I wouldn't have cared to visit your site in my many moments of weakness, crying out for stimulation. Anyway, as I think about it... I guess actually working would be worse then my metabolic processes slowly digressing towards atrophy and decay from pure and utter laziness. Ahhhh... to do nothing... and then rest afterwards! Cheers!


Saturday, February 23, 2002, 9:26pm
Have you ever had a conversation with a person who for some odd reason can't remember crap, but tries to go along as if he has some idea of what you were talking about?? Well I am pretty sure you have experienced this-- I sure have. Let me tell you about this one guy-- we all know him-- ABE, yup our wonderful friend has a crappy memory. Sure we could use the fact that it was 2 or 3 am as an excuse for his forgetfulness, but I suddenly remember how I first met him. It all began with him being such a nice guy inviting me to go watch a movie with a group of people-- I agreed to go but replied for him to come get me when it was time. We left it at that, lets say I am sure glad that I didn't hold my breath cause i waited, and waited, and waited-- and he never came. What a memory huh?? Yet he knows all the words to all of dave matthews songs-- how the hell is this possible???


Everyday, All the time
It really sucks how there's always a real sucky song stuck in your head. I mean, why doesn't your brain play reruns of more useful stuff, like maybe on it's own spontaneously recite mathematical equations before a test. Or if it impulsively replayed good movies, or just automatically complimented you on it's own all the time, then everyone would be that much more happy all the time, instead of unconsciously humming hit me baby one more time.

-"The Anonymous One"

Friday, December 14, 2001, 4:53pm
So Abe invites me to vent my frustrations by going to his web page and just "clicking on the link" Well, guess what? It didn't work! That's right, Abe has a frustrating frustration link. I had to resort to writing a regular old email, which defeats the purpose of a web site really. And then there are people who use the frustrations page to give shouts outs. That's gotta be cheating. Anyway, so I think there is something inherently wrong in going to a class for an entire semester and then being tested on that material in three hours. It just doesn't make sense. And the more frustrating thing is I can't think of any other way to do it. Not that I mind finals week. I have nothing else to do, you know just review whole books and course packets. And I like the sci-li and rock. I have seen people I would never see otherwise. That has to count for something...

So I read Abe's "online diary" and I wasn't in it once! I come over to his room to visit with Abe and Eric and do I get any ink? Nooo, i am not good enough, instead he writes about studying. Good grief, I have to be more interesting than that. I guess that is all for now, shout outs to Tom Cruise!


12/14/01, 4:44pm
Macs suck and thats all i have to say. i could tell you why they suck, but i dont have enough time to do so because the CIT Mac lab just ate so much of my time. and i have to say that people (particularly Genetics professors) need to fall into line and start getting PCs b/c they are screwing the rest of us (me) royally with their refusal to adopt the standard. its like beta vs. vhs man.. vhs won, and that is that -- you dont see a bunch of whiny beta users producing videos on beta and then expecting the rest to go find a beta somewhere so we can watch them, do u? no i didnt think so. damn mac users.


12/11/01, 1:59am
first of all, my socks don't have funk... those are anthony's socks, and they are forever to be served as the "mopping shit up socks"
second, engin 9 papers are silly. if I want a bunch of bullshit I'll go to the onion, thank you very much.... www.theonion.com.
and lastly, I'd like to shout out to all the playas out there who were with me in cs51 from day one. that class sucks like a rotten cheese ball with green tomatoes hung from the sides drenched in rich creamery butter (assbite). my secret plan is to let out a nice, sweet, silent but deadly one out during the exam, and sabotage all the kids who know their shit (the bastards!!!) so they can't do well on the exam, thus increasing my outcome... rock on
to whomever is reading this... "you lie AND your breath stank. I got next. bizzzzzzzzotch!"

-Eric "Rockinest man in 403" Zamore


yeah, maybe if you're a lion.

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