My "Profile" on AOL Instant Messanger:

From Miami, Florida. Missing Miami and Florida. Palmetto Senior High. Attend Brown University. Taiwanese-American. Basketball. Loyal, and hurting, Heat fan. Timmy...(silent sobbing). Undedicated and unmotivated bodybuilder. More basketball. Braveheart, When Harry Met Sally. Disneyworld. Dave Matthews. Crash, Crush, The Stone, Lie in Our Graves, Pig, Ants Marching, Two Step, etc. etc., the good ol days, dancing, bonding. Newly adopted Jimmy Eat World fan. Aspiring (shower) singer. Creative writing. Alligator wrestling. Concept to base life on: "Fatcat."
*Feel free to leave me some thoughts on Fatcat, if you happen to know the Fatness. I'll keep an archive. thanks.

Manny: "the fatness isnt fat but the fat is within the fatness, lazyness isnt a bad habit but a way of life, when your hungry, scatch the man with the food, when you need fresh air wait by the door, when your tired, find the nearest box, and sleep." -9/17/01 9:14p.m

Jade: "I myself never had the privelege to know fatcat as long as his other esteemed friends, but once I had, truly I could see what a visionary Fatcat was. What is a greater thing in life but to live it the way you want to be? No outside forces tugged at his destiny like us silly fools, looking for happiness at worthless material goods. He had such charisma and style that the world bent to his desires. Wasn't he adored and beloved by all who met him? Didn't he live a life in such opulence? I felt he did.. and when I saw him stride in with his regal, debonair manner.... inside.. I lived -Vicariously- through him...." 9/26/01, 11:06pm.

Eric: "But I don't know the Fatness." Poor soul, I say. Poor soul. -9/17/01 9:49p.m.

Alex: "Is Fat Cat pregnant with septuplets?" 9/26/01. 12:41pm

Elizabeth: "A personality all his own. Lounging around the house all day, barely able to get from one place to another without stoping for a nap. His stomach ever so lightly brushing against the floor beneath him as he lacadaisically makes his way around the house. When asleep, nothing will wake him--not even random objects being stacked on his protruding belly. He sits. He eats. He sleeps. Such is Fat Cat." - 9/26/01. 4:53pm.

Tony: "I don't have anything good enough to say about fatcat. at least not at this moment. I will reflect on this subject the next couple years of my life, and I'll get back to you. Fatcat deserves the effort of all of us." -10/15/01 1:48am

Audrey: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. And Fatcat, by any other name, would be as fat." -10/26/01 10:59pm

-12/17/01, 2:27am
never had a cat or a dog, although i became a little attached to one of my neighbors dogs
: ya well i use to take care of it when she went away, and stuff like that
Abe987: that coo
magnumBPL: she had a somewhat fat cat too but then she put him on a strict diet
Abe987: lol
magnumBPL: she didnt let him eat for more than 6 mins a day
Abe987: HAHA
Abe987: we made sure fatcat didn't eat more than 6 hours a day
magnumBPL: lol
Abe987: and it's NOT because he ate slow either

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