Wind Creates Rain

Sometimes the wind makes rain.
Makes a sidewalk stroll a soaking toll
Of times left behind and the cold of old
Creep back to the now,
Wet and steeped in the pains
Of the mind,
And the heart broken and left behind.

When wind creates rain,
And you hear the coming gust,
The unfallen fall,
And the leaves above must
Become gray clouds of sadness
Thundering torrents of tears,
Raining over the unfortunate,
Sharing in fears. 

A damp chill wraps the shoulders
In a hug of cold.
Head down, hands in pockets,
Looks down but walks on bold.
The attacks of the forces
Are but facades of the mind;
Fools the audience of masses
But not a seer of different kind.

Warm blood pumps through changes
With a persistence in heart.
What was the damp cold
Warms to a mind within the hearth.
Footsteps become stomps
Stamping through puddles and pain.
A stroll becomes a full run
Against the wind of the rain.

                                    -Abraham Young
                                     October 17, 2000

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