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pills to make you sleep
pills to make you wake up
pills to make you happy
pills to control your happiness
pills to help you remember
pills to help you forget
pills to keep your hair from falling out
pills to make you thin
pills to make you gain weight
pills to help you have babies
pills to prevent babies
pills to clear your skin
pills to break habits
pills that form habits
pills for the ill
pills to the perfectly healthy
pills for people who don't need pills
pills to defy the aging process
pills to make you young and beautiful
pills to make you smart some
pills make you stupid
pills to make us all act the same way
pills to make you think a certain way
pills to make your boobs grow
pills to make your penis grow
pills to make you feel normal
pills to make you "normal"
pills for me and for all of you "E"


31 January 2002

I did E once and fell in love with it. It was a really strange high, but made me feel amazing. Ecstasy is something that is achievable without drugs tho. it's total happiness. the best feeling in the pit of your stomach. it's hard to achieve, and once you do, you sometimes don't even realize how great it is... A life-changer. An eye opener to what life could (and should) be like but isn't.

I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, any of us could, but I know I wont because I'll probably be in a club somewhere on a few mitsubishis continuing to have the time of my life.

LeeonzPantz Copyright 2002
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