June 2004!
I've changed my journal now ... my new journal is found via:

25 June 1:25am
I really am a gutless wonder ... I didnt weigh in today.  I was so hyped up with my bosses leaving do and um TOM arrived yesterday I just didnt want to do it ... I have never been this adament in my whole weightloss "career".  I even spoke to Craig this morning and said NO, I am NOT going to weigh in this week.  Man, I'm turning to a nasty piece of work.  So instead I went out this evening and got totally trashed LOL! I had a fabulous time and I think the pressure and stress of the last two weeks has just melted all of my issues away.  Ya know what? I dont feel one bit guilty for it either ... god knows I must have drunk a bottle of wine tonight ... but hey how often does a boss of 34 years leave?   Who gives a rats arse I say !   OMG  i  am so going to have a headache in the morning. hehe.  I just spoke to Craig on night shift and he's home about 4am, I told him I need to get up about 6:30 and catch the 8:00am train, he'll pick me up from town about 3:00pm tomorrow afternoon yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa  Okay, time for bed- bloody hell
23 June

I've had a fantastic day today.  Really knuckled down at work this morning and got a heap of things done.  When I need to do that I say to my colleague "I'm putting my ears on" in other words I'm listening to a CD, so she answers my phone for me and if she needs me she throws paper clips at me to get my attention (she sits behind me) its quite hillarious!  Anyway, this afternoon we went shopping for the boss' farewell gift.  TOM arrived yesterday .. I knew it ... so not too confident about weigh in tomorrow - but the weight has been dropping off lately so I might be pleasantly surprised.  I just have this thing about get +'s in my book ... I DONT WANT THEM THERE! hehe  I mean in the five months since I've started I've only had one ... but its one too many as far as I'm concerned.  I set myself a pretty tough challenge and that was not to have a gain ... and I didnt then bammo ... +900gms one week ... it really blew me away, the only reason was because of TOM, I was so up in bonus points from exercise and hadnt gone over points ... and since that gain the weight has dropped off ... I mean whats with that??????????  I'm thinking mini plateau? *shrug* no idea, all I know is I dont like that lil + sitting in my book.  Tomorrow night is the farewell function, I just know I'm going to be a blubbering mess, a slimmer blubbering mess which is a bonus I guess.  I think I'll just start drinking early and hopefully by the time the speeches are being said I'll have passed out in some corner somewhere! good grief wouldnt that be a crack up hehe.  This Saturday I am going out extra early for my 10k walk because I have a brunch date with some very special people ;) and I cant wait (no pun intended).  Sunday we are talking about going to Palmy for the day, have some lunch and hang out together ... it'll be cool, I feel like I've been a bit of a hermit with my study lately.

22 June
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO I've finishedddddddddddddddd.  Today I got comments back from my boss about my research paper and he was oki doki with it, just a couple of quick touch ups and thats it! I've just tidied it up, made last minute adjustments and its goneeeeeeeee emailed in to the Polytech and now thats two papers down! *licks finger and writes two invisible notches* now its just a case of fingers crossed and hope for reasonable marks - I'd be happy with B's thats between 60-75%.  I must say doing two Level 6 papers in one semester, working full time, running a household and trying to get a lifestyle balance is not one of my better ideas.  However, I've accomplished it - two papers completed, work is going really well, the house hasnt fallen down and I've managed to lose 25kg as well as walk 10ks regularly... hmmmmmmm ... the next two weeks I will catch up with friends and family, that is the part that has suffered :( of course thats not an excuse to catch up over food ... isnt it funny how all the important things revolve around food ... birthdays, anniversaries, christmas, easter - bloody food is such a damn social thing isnt it ... maybe that explains why I've lost so much! LOL I've been soooooooo busy studying and working I havent been social! ... *laughing* ok that was kinda funny ... I must be tired I'm laughing at my own jokes now
21 June
I had the most incredibly emotional day at work today.  My boss' wife emailed me and thanked me for being such a big part of his and his family's life ... I read her message and just sat at my desk and bawled ... it was just incredible!  The things she said meant so much - with him leaving it really is the end of an era - 11 years we've been close friends, confidents and shoulders to cry on ... damn I am so NOT looking forward to Thursday, well Thursday night his function.  ThursDAY is my weigh in day and I'm thinking that'll be ok.  I've just finished my study approval for sign off, I'm not going to do two papers next semester, not through this time of change at work - god knows what my new boss will be like!  So I'll do one paper - Intercultural Communications ... it'll be interesting.  I've had an excellent points day - 23 points today.  Craig is on night shift this week so I had my main meal (spag bol) for lunch at work and then just had a fish n chips (the healthy kind)  with salad for dinner it was yummoooooooooooooooooo  fresh Gurnard done in breadcrumbs and oven wedges, actually fish is good 200gms which is two decent fillets for 2.5 points ... cant go wrong with that!
20 June
phew just made it in time, its nearly midnight!  BUT I've done it and written my last report.  I've just emailed it into work and tomorrow I'll print it off and get my boss' oki doki before I can sent it in (its due Thursday) all I can hope is he doesnt change it drastically or make me go find out more stuff for it - that's all I need!  Today the weather was absolutely atrocious and despite me harping on yesterday about doing the video work out and exercycle stuff, instead I cranked up the heater and hunkered down on my PC alllllllll afternoon and now half the night!  oh well, after this Thursday my life will be back to normal, well for a couple of weeks anyway - no more study until 7 July, my boss' leaving function will be gone and done and I'll have cleaned up my desk of all the work that has been piling up for the last week or so.  I've had an excellent day points wise - didnt eat breakkie until 10:30 then only had a snack for afternoon tea and had an early roast chicken dinner at around 6 ... it was fantasticccccccccccccc  - its going to be that time of the month this week so I'm expecting to start eating like a little piglet at any time!  I have to keep reminding myself that its just an excuse and there is no reason to hoover everything in sight!  anyway onwards and upwards ... well actually its lights out and snuggle up with the electric blanket.
19 June
Ok I have a challenge.  This morning my friend from work turned up for us to go for our bridge to bridge walk ... and I said give me two minutes I'll grab my shoes ... *doh* I 'd left my shoes at work!!!!!  As I was explaining my dilema ... down came the rain and bingo I was off the hook!  So instead we jumped in the car went up town did some window shopping and had a coffee.  Talk about a cop out eh?  Now apparently its supposed to be crappy tomorrow to ... so ... heres my plan - I'll get up early and have breakfast, then head out shopping with Craig when I get home, before lunch I'll do the WW Video tape work out (its only been sitting here for the last two weeks and I havent even unwrapped it yet!) and I have an exercycle which I really hate, but it works ... well it did the last time I used in back in 1999 ... and I'll mix up the work out stuff with the exercycle stuff and well that will just have to do!  It's really weird I feel naked without my walking shoes, they go with me everywhere!  I cant believe I was so stoopid in leaving them behind on Thursday :(
18 June
oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I had weigh in yesterday and I did it! -1.7kg and now 25.9kg lighter!  What a fantastic achievement I am really REALLY proud of myself :)  My leader is so encouraging shes just a fabulous lady - I like her alot.  There are a couple of other ladies I've become friends with at the meetings and they are always so enthusiastic to find out how I've done, one lady is really funny I think shes more excited about my weightloss efforts than her own!  This week has been truely mental work wise.  Although I will miss him terribly I am looking forward to when Tony leaves next week and I can start getting some balance back into my life again.  My walking has been atrocious.  Up in the dark, home LATE, eating dinner, say hello to Craig and then hit the books and study until bed time.  I'm going to get my paper finished today and sent to the polytech and then I'll only have one left to do.  YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.  The management team went out for dinner with Tony and his wife last night.  We presented them with flowers, a lovely bottle of red and a beautiful water colour called the southern man.  He was really choked up by it and from his reaction we knew that it meant a lot to him. I am soooooooo not looknig forward to his leaving function, its going to be really sad.  My food choice was good last night, cannelloni with ricotta cheese and spinach in a TOMATOE based sauce.  I was drooling over the cream based pastas but went the other way.  I had three glasses of wine which was awesome ... just all part of fitting everything into my eating plans.  woohoo!
14 June
Busy busy busy day!  I had two girls around from work today, we started the work on Tony's scrapbook.  Its looking fantastic!  Sarah is a scrapbooking newbie and Jenny quickly instructed her and she was off! wooooooohooooooo it was fantastic to see - Sarah reckoned she didnt have a creative bone in her body but she was pumping out great looking scrapbook pages in no time!  I was in the kitchen making the album covers and the album box.  I think they look pretty cool - it took me alllllllll day practically - the ladies turned up at 8:30am and Sarah was the last to leave at 6:00pm!  Yesterday, I dragged Calais out for a walk.  We walked to Sutherland Avenue and down the Main Road back home.  5.6kms took us 71 minutes we were both panting because I was walking fast.  It felt really good!  I'm not too confident this week.  Feeling quite fat and frumpy - fingers crossed for Thursday.
13 June
It's Sunday already.  I had a terrible headache this morning.  Craig was up and ready to go for a walk at 8:00am, but I just couldnt get out of bed.  I ended up falling asleep and didnt get up until 11:00am!  Now I am knuckling into my report for my Interpersonal Comms paper.  I think a couple of hours solid work and I should be able to get some excellent progress on it.  Yesterday was a good day, I went for my 10k walk with Sarah.  We cut another 2 minutes off it and have it down to 1:36 now, when we first started it was 1:43, so thats really impressive isnt it?  I some grocery shopping to do and had lunch at Mums.  Got home around 3 and hit the books again.  Last night I was in bed by 10 but ended up watching a movie - Along Came a Spider ... it was really riveting and I didnt turn the telly off until close to midnight.  Tomorrow I'll be at home working on this scrapbook for Tony's farewell, two girls from work are coming out also and we'll get most of the pages completed by them with luck.  This week is going to be super busy :)
10 June

Woohoooooooooo -1.4kg this week ... 800grams off 25kg! how AMAZING is that??????????  I was really wrapt with that.  I am well and truely off my plateau - not that it was a bummer of a plateau but I must admit I was starting to get pissed about the 300, 700 and 800gms ... a loss is a loss, but I knew I could do better, and it wasnt as if I was not being true to myself ... this journey isnt hard, its easy to follow, but whats hard is when my efforts dont show up.  I think there are a few things that have helped me ... first of all I have changed my exercise pattern.  I have been doing these HUGE long walks and maybe they're better for fat burning because its over a longer period of time, rather than short bursts after getting home from work?  I've also been eating a more variety of food.  Good food and some treats as well!  It's almost like shocking my body into action or something.  So next week here I come.  Another 10k walk on Saturday.  I had to giggle, I text Craig today after my weigh in and said if I walk 10k every week that means I can also drink a bottle of wine!!!!!!!! hehe! well it sounds good in theory anyway.  Then a friend said ahhhhhhhh but if you didnt have that bottle of wine then you might have lost another half kilo to which of course I quickly replied, yes ... I could have ... but is that living?

8 June
Okay I can see it now, this week is going to be freakin mental.  I was flat out today preparing for my governance board next week.  Plus I had another interview towards my research for my report and then I am still trying to get my boss to commit to a farewell function which he TOTALLY does not want to do and he knows he has to and I have been asked to co-ordinate it all.  Which the time of it all completely sucks by the way, but there ya have it - I in not uncertain words told him so today too hehe.  Man my life after June 24 is going to be boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had a really early start this morning and a late finish so I didnt get out with the dogs, I will not be letting that happen tomorrow I can assure you.  I'll be taking the train so I can at least walk up to work and back to the station again after work.  I HAVE to keep active.  Looking forward to weigh in on Thursday, I've had an exceptional week - well thats how I'm feeling anyway :)  I obviously work well under pressure.
7 June
wow its Monday already!  I got some excellent work done on  my report on Saturday.  Sunday I had a neat day out with my motherinlaw.  We went into town to the fruit and vege markets and then to the duty free shop to buy some skincare when she goes over to Melbourne in a couple of weeks.  When we got home Craig and I went for a lovely walk down past CIT to Sutherland Ave and then back down the main road.  Took 73 minutes, not record breaking time or anything like that but it was a good solid walk.  Our friends came over for dinner last night and we had a pleasant evening I even drank a bottle of wine! and felt remarkably good today!  I've got most of my org comms report now finished now, I have another interview to conduct tomorrow so I should be able to finalise that at work tomorrow and then get a draft to my boss for review.  By about 3 this afternoon I was feeling a bit head spiny with sitting at my puter most of the day so I took Jack out for a walk up blue mountains.  We practically ran it and completed it within 35 minutes - what a laugh - it used to take me 50 minutes when I first started that circuit!  I am just going to clean up a couple of things here and then start dinner preparations.  We are having fresh fish for dinner tonight YUM! and then I'll have my bath and clean up ... I've just realised I missed CSI last night!  At least its going to be a short week!
5 June
Ok I'm trying to get motivated to write this report ... I need some inspiration, I keep thinking about all these cool things I want to say, but when it comes to typing them in they disappear!  I had a brilliant start to the morning.  My friend from work and I went out again and did our bridge to bridge walk and knocked 5 minutes off from last week.  I was pretty impressed with that! considering I've got a bit of a sniffle and taking Codral cold tabs at the moment.  Hopefully I sweat out the bug! I feel great though, came home and had a nice hot shower.  The weather is turning again and typical being a long weekend we'll probably be stuck inside for most of it!  I bought the WW exercise video at  my meeting this week - it was only 6.95 down from 24.95 so I might have a look at it this weekend and have a bit of a work out, I'll let ya know how I get on.
3 June 2004

Bloody Hell ... its freakin June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is just incredible!  5 months down the track from the start of my journey and 22.8 kg lighter WOOOOHOOOOO ... yes at weigh in today I lost
1.7kg ... and so I a damn well should have ... I have worked my butt off this week!  Today was a mental day, I seemed to be a counsellor today which was interesting, for some reason people think I am wise ... HOW SCAREY IS THAT?????????? hehe during my lunch break I went to my WW meeting and it was really fun today!  I had a lady come up to me and say "you must be doing really well - GOOD ON YOU" I was really chuffed with that!  Yesterday a girl I hadnt seen since before Christmas (she works in the same building for goodness sake!) saw me and just about freaked out ... it was hillarious! She was almost squealing in amazement I was trying to shut her up! hehe  Tonight Craig and I went bowling with my friend from work and her mate.  Unfortunately she got called back to work as she was on call and the three of us played two games instead.  I got 137! so I whipped the boys arses and second game I got 116.  Craig bless him bowled a fantastic 159! his record - he was absolutely chuffed!  Afterward we went down to KMart foodcourt and I made a good healthy choice of halal chicken and rice with tomatic and garlic yogurt and Craig had a burger - I was really proud of myself for that ... and tell ya what ... it was YUMMMMMMMMMM - much nicer than a grotty old maccers burger :)
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