My Diary - January 2004
Tuesday, 27 January
I had a weird day today.  This morning when I put my rings on they were really tight, like my fingers had swollen and when I got to work a friend said my eyes looked puffy and I looked tired! Then around lunchtime I got some swelling around my ankles ... it was really weird.

I got home, put my feet up and drank a bottle of water.  Needless to saying I've been peeing like crazy and all the swelling has gone down again.  It has been really humid, so I guess that must be it.

I feel a bit bummed today - really frumpy and fat.  Not very confident about my weigh in on Thursday, but in theory I should have nothing to worry about.  I've been really good with my points all week so far anddddddd I've been walking every day!  I dragged Craig and both dogs out tonight.  Poor Craig is a bit unfit too, although we were both buggered by the end of our walk, he enjoyed it and wants us to keep it up, especially when we go on holiday - so that when we get back, we'll be a little bit fitter and ready to spend more time with the dogs.  All good for me!  I love spending time with him and when we go walking we natter about all sorts of stuff - its a common interest and a secure sense of intimacy we can share in our busy days.  Anyway, I should have a loss on Thursday, it'll be most strange if I dont.  I'm probably just in a weird mood because of the hot weather.

Monday, 26 January
Time is flying.  On Saturday, we leave for our camping holiday to Hahei Beach, on the Coromandel Peninsula. Craig is already itching to get going, hes been pulling out our camping gear left right and centre hehe.  We have a house sitter this year, a lady from work who is living with her parents at the moment, she cant wait to get some time out!  The babies will be going to the kennels.  I've got Friday off, so I'll be running around doing some grocery shopping, dropping the dogs off and packing last minute items.

I've been really good this week.  Saturday was a bit of a challenge - we had my Uncles 80th birthday - yeah all that yummy fatty party food - I was really good! I had my lunch before we went.  It started at 1:00pm and we got home at 5:00pm - I missed my afternoon snack so was REALLY looking forward to dinner!  I so wanted to have some birthday cake ... banana ... one of my favourites ... but I just couldnt bring myself to eating it - I guess thats a good thing?  Regardless, I was pleased with myself. 

I've also been exercising! YESSSSSSSSSS I have! On Saturday I took Jack out for a 20 minute walk - boy did we pant and sweat - it was a bit up hill and down dale - our usual circuit which isnt a drama, but becuase I havent been out and about since November due to that nasty bug thing I had, I've really noticed how unfit the 7 weeks has made me.  On Sunday, I took my Calais girl out, we did a 40 minute walk, it was lovely - we were both completely knackered by the time we got home tho hehe, it was also really warm so by the time I got home my top was drenched!  Today Calais and I again went out, just the 20 minute circuit and no it hasnt got any easier - it was really warm this evening and the sweat dripped off me!   However, I must admit, I feel really proud I've made an effort, gotta start somewhere right?  Just think, in a few months from now, I'll be pounding the pavement and enjoying it even more - the dogs will also be alot fitter! hehe  My goal is to buy some good quality walkers in April!

Thursday, 22 January

I had a
1.6kg loss today, 3.1kg in two weeks, thats half a stone! I'm pretty pleased about that.  I did kinda think I would have lost more but its good steady progress so I'm really pleased with that :)  Had a really busy day at work today, I had a big deliverable and managed to achieve it so thats really cool.  I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow to discuss what study paper I'm going to enrol in for Semester 1, hopefully I'll have time to order my text book also so I can take it away camping with us.  Will give me some light reading to do (yeah right).  I went up to my sister in laws last night and had my photo taken, so I'll be able to post that on my site soon. I'm going to get my photo taken every month ... it will be the year of the disappearing Leenie - it'll be fun to watch my progress.  It sounds strange, but I can actually feel a difference already.  I'm finally getting over my cold/bug/virus thing thats been plaguing me since 8 December, so I would like to start some exercise routine going.  I just need to push myself, but some days it is really hard to get motivated, especially after a really hectic day at work - but thats only a really lame excuse isnt it?

Tuesday, 20 January

Far out its halfway through the week already!  I'm really pleased with my food choices over the long weekend.  We went to the stock cars on Saturday night, before we went we had homemade hamburger and wedges for dinner, it was really filling and I felt like I wasnt missing out on anything.  Sunday was a quiet day at home and then Monday we went to the movies in the morning and finally saw LOTR Return of the King.  I even had movie popcorn and was able to add those into my points allocation quiet happily.  Today was a good day, I got the Governance Board Co-ordinators job.  This is going to be a good year, this job will give me the flexibility to have a stimulating busy role, while also being able to concentrate on ME - after all this is my ME year.  Its started off pretty good eh? ;)  I'm expecting a good loss this week.  I've been peeing like crazy - sometimes getting up twice during the night.

Saturday, 17 January
I did a pilates work out today, gawd my belly muscles are feeling it - must be working then eh?

Friday, 16 January
Well I am soooooooo proud of myself.  At work we have a floor morning tea roster every second Friday.  Today I went to morning tea, taking my OWN food and sat chatting while everyone around me ate savouries, sausage rolls and cream buns n stuff.  I can do this, piece of cake ... literally *wink*.  Wellington Anniversary this weekend, I have to be extra vigilant with my food choices.  Oh yeah! Today I booked our holiday to Brisbane for Christmas - another incentive to work really hard this year and lose a decent amount of weight.  We're flying out on the 24th Dec and coming home on the 3rd Jan - Mum's coming with us, its going to be a heap of fun.  I havent's spent Christmas with my "ozzie" brothers and sisters since ... I was about 16?

Thursday, 15 January
WOOHOOOOO, my first weigh in ... and I lost
1.5 kg yeeeeehaaaa I'm on my way - its all good :)

Wednesday, 14 January
Wow, its weigh in tomorrow! I'm actually looking forward to it. I've stuck to my plan really well.  I think I've been making some really good food choices and generally feel really good about myself.  I've been drinking heaps of water and keep getting up in the middle of the night to pee.  It's also been "that time of the month" for me, so I guess the scales will show that tomorrow.

My friend from work who has been overseas came back this week.  She's all excited about me being on WW, she too has been on and off WW for a while, so now I am gonig to be her WW buddy and we are in this together.  She only has 20kg to lose (in my terms its only 20kg) anyway ... I've set myself some goals.  I was to be less 25kg by June.  I want to join a gym by June and I want to go back to badminton this season, I think thats around March - will have to keep an eye on the local papers.

Craig's been great, he's been eating all the same food as me just a bit more of it and adding a few bits to it here and there.  We've had all sorts of yummy things this week - hamburgers, pizza, pasta, fish n chips, jelly and icecream, roast turkey - sounds disgustingly wonderful doesnt it? Well before you jump to any conclusions, its all been low fat versions and well within my points allocation.  In fact I will finish this week about 12 points under, I usually finish my day on 24 or 25 points.  I get hungry around mid afternoon when I need to have a snack (usually rice cakes and fruit) just to keep me going until dinner - it works!

Friday, 9 January
My first day on WW.  I even got Craig to eat breakfast before we shot out the door and went to work.  I finished work at midday, had a subway sandwich within my points allocation.  Went out with my inlaws for dinner tonight - Indian :o, I told my muminlaw I was back on WW (when I first met them I was on WW).  I chose wisely and felt good about the choices I made at dinner - I've done really well and stuck to my plan today :)

Thursday, 8 January
I was looking forward to the meeting, the hardest part I think, was going to the doctor in the first place.  As I got in the lift to go up to the meetnig, I was nervous but excited!  I really wanted to do this.  I went to reception and started filling in the registration forms, along with 6 other ladies.  All of us too embarrassed to look at each other even though we knew we were there for the same thing.  As I handed over my registration card to the recorder and paid my money, it felt really familiar and I thought to myself ... this is the first day of my new life!  As I lined up for the scales, the queasy jitters started wondering if these were the 200kg scales.  They werent.  I stepped on and the lady said, oops we need to reset, can you get off please and then step back on.  I did as I was told.  Very quietly she said ok step off thanks.  As she filled out and card and handed me a couple of books she asked me to go see Cheryl out in reception, I needed to be weighed on the other scales (I call them the fat scales).  Like a dog with its tail between its legs, I scooted out to reception and told the team leader of my plight.  She smiled warmly, come on then just here in this room.  Inside were the old hospital scales, you know the tall scales where you add the weights and move the slider up and down.  Again I jumped on  and she asked me how much I thought I might be.  175 I said, hoping it wasnt any more than that.  I weighed in at 174.7 - not bad Cheryl said - meaning not a bad guess, as opposed to "not a bad weight".

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - it was over, I'd done it.  I sat at the meeting and listened to the discussions, reading through the new plan and holding back tears I thought


When I got back to work I told and emailed a few people of my adventure that day, they are all proud and pleased for me - I know I've done the right thing.

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