My Diary - April 2004
30 April 2004
I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.... wow I havent updated for 15 days :o ... I do have a very good reason ... I got Chicken Pox! YESSSSSSSSS can you believe it?  Two days after my last update (17th April) I woke on the Saturday morning feeling really bad.  I ached all over and had the most wicked headache.  Of course I thought I was getting the flu.  On the Saturday night I went to bed with my electric blanket on full and I was shivering!  The fever, aches and headache last through to Tuesday.  On the Sunday night I was sitting on the couch trynig to watch some telly and I was scratching my head and felt a lump, then the lump burst and I realised it was a tiny blister.  Then I found another one on my neck!  This is a bit strange I thought ... then thought OH SHIT - surely not!  So I jumped on the net and looked up the symptoms for chicken pox ... you guessed it - flu like symptoms and blisters.  So Monday morning I took myself to the doctors - I had about 6 blisters by that stage and he said ... sounds like chicken pox .  We worked out that the incubation period was that of when I went to my nieces 3rd birthday party 2 weeks beforehand (she had chicken pox) but I thought I'd had them as a kid so didnt really think about it.   Obviously I hadnt!  I've been really icky.  Monday I spent the day feeling utterly miserable as I watched more and more blisters start appearing all over me.  I had the most wicked headache and then my left ear started getting really sore - and I mean REALLY sore!  Sure enough within the next two days my glands came up, I was covered in blisters from head to toe - inside my mouth, down my throat and I'm sure in my intestines, I even had them *whispering* down below ... YUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.  They were gross, especially the ones on my face and neck.  I had them on my eyelids and they got sooooooo itchy, but I was really good and didnt scratch.  Everyone kept saying to me DONT SCRATCH, you'll make them scar.  Of course I was off work, the Dr gave me a weeks medical leave but by the weekend I was still absolutely covered in spots.  My sickness had passed, although I still wasnt eating properly.  It took me an hour just to shower and pat myself dry!  It took me 13 days to be able to blow dry my hair with a brush!  But, I am please to report I am on the mend.  I've been applying Vit E cream to my face and now I just look as though I have a bad case of acne HEHE  I am soooooooo glad I will never get that again!  Anyway, as you have probably worked out, I havent been to WW for two weeks.  Actually I havent even left the house for two weeks - my first week I didnt even track my points, I think I was probably only eating about 10 points a day.  I'd make something, take two mouth fulls and throw it out.  Then I went for about 4 days where I could only eat soft food because my throat and chest were so sore.  However, this week I have been ravenous - and I'm tracking my points again but it has been really hard sticking to my points.  I've gone over quite a few days.  At least there is no crap in the house to eat, so its been from fruit and drinks and bread and stuff.  The other thing is, I havent been exercising at all - and the dogs have noticed.  Everytime I look as though I am about to walk down the stairs, they go ballistic thinking that I'm finally going to take them for their walk!  I've really missed my getting out and about too!  Tomorrow I will go out for my first walk - I just know its going to knacker me something terrible!  God knows what will happen on the scales next week but I dont think it will be very pretty!
15 April 2004
Ok I'm not happy.  I've hit a bump in the road.  I lost 300gms this week - that is pathetic.  What the hell am I doing?  Probably the fact that I had Thai food, a big fat apple crumble at Mum's, pancakes and bananas for brunch, chocolate and hot cross buns - might have had something to do with it?  Weird though, all within points anddddddddd I got to 43 bonus points for the week too.  I need to start reweighing everything and check my portion sizes ... damn.
13 April 2004
Today was a busy day!  My governance board meets next week so I have the reporting to attend to this week.  As well as getting a survey signed off (which I did) I also have some business plan stuff to organise so like I said it was kinda busy today.  Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be much of the same thing.  I didnt get out tonight, I got home late and it was dark.  Craig is on night shift this week, so I really didnt fancy going out in the dark and coming home to a cold empty house.  The dogs and I tucked ourselves up in front of the fire and had toasted sandwiches and a cadbury flake :o hehe hows that for decadence.  I stayed within my points, but I didnt get any exercise in, so I'll have to get back into it tomorrow :)  I'll have to leave work early tomorrow, I'm going to a meeting tomorrow night with my father-in-law, that'll be interesting. :)
11 April 2004
Its Easter Sunday, Happy Easter! Its a gorgeous day and we've already been out with the dogs for a walk.  Man did I sweat today!  I got really hot, its the same walk I walked last night but I certainly didnt sweat like I did today!  Maybe its because the sun was on us the whole way round or something?  hehe I had drips of sweat rolling off the end of my nose - not pretty!  I'm really pleased that yesterday I got my assignment finished on my inter personal comms paper - thats really a biggie off my mind now.  Although I have 3 weeks to complete the next assignment for both papers! :o I have a few days off end April so I'm going to get a bit done then I think.  We are going to Mums for dinner tonight.  We are having roast chicken and veges.  I said I would take the Salsa, Rice Crackers and Pretzels and Dot is doing some WW desserts mmmmmmm yum!  I've allowed 10 points for tonight :)  I also made them all some hot cross buns andddddd I converted some muffin recipes into points - there are some really yummy savoury muffins I can make which will go perfectly with pumpkin soup and they are only about 3 points! cool eh?  I mean how does parmesean and corn muffins sound?  good to me :)
9 April 2004
I did it! On Thursday, I got to my 15kg - I lost 1kg and have now lost in total 15.2kg :D  I am stoked, how cool is that?  It was funny, my WW Leader was talking away to the group about something and then she just stop talking and says to me ... have you got new glasses? hehe I said no, thanks for noticing but my face is changing.  What a buzz!  Today is Good Friday, I've eaten a whole Easter Egg - cadbury dairy milk and it was DEVINE and I dont feel a bit guilty :)  It's within points and I also walked just over 7kms today - a total of 13 bonus points so if I wanna eat an Easter egg, I WILL EAT A DAMN EASTER EGG hehe  Craig, Jack, Calais and I all left this morning for our walk, Craig and Jack bailed out after 15 minutes so Calais and I carried on, we got to the Silverstream shops and we were feeling good!  We got to Heretaunga Square and it was a breeze, we got to CIT, Sutherland Avenue and Trentham Railway Station and we were rocking!  We ended up getting to Mum's place in Trentham thats 4.1kms away :)  We were ready for a cuppa by then.  Mum, bless her gave us a ride home.  Then late this afternoon Jack and I wandered down to the Video store and got a DVD and Vid and then walked home via Fergy Drive, Chatsworth Road and the Park :) ... its been a good day!
6 April 2004
Man its got cold!  but I still managed to drag Craig and the dogs out for a walk this evening.  By the time we got home it was dark but we both felt good.  Dinner was a quick but tasty stirfry and I'm taking a night off from study to watch some telly and then have an early night ... the electric blankie will definately be going on.  I had a busy day at work today, but I caught up with a lady who used to work at work.  It was great seeing her, shes such a neat person and we had fun shootin the breeze and gossiping about work hehe.  I had compliments from three different people today.  I guess they must really be noticing my efforts - how cool eh? :)  Tomorrow is going to be an awesome day - I've cleared my diary and I'm doing a catch up on bits and pieces day.  I've got some serious filing to do, as well as progress some of the objectives in my performance appraisal and development plan.  Speaking of development - I have an assignment due on Monday and I'm feeling alot more relaxed about things now :)  Tomorrow at work I'll take a couple of hours out and do some study.  I do have an early start so I've already packed my breakfast to take with me ... ITS PAY DAY WOOHOO!  Thursday's weigh in is looking very confident :)
5 April 2004
How weird, I had a grumpy day to day.  I mean I wasnt really GRUMPY but I just didnt feel like talking to people today, so I got to work put my headphones on, stuck on my Red Hot Chilli Peppers CD and worked HARD ... I accomplished heaps, but I'm sure everyone thought I must have been in a bad mood - hehe - I'll have to apologise to them tomorrow.  I couldnt help myself.  I was up early and on the road by 6:30am, left work at 4:00 and was out pounding the pavement with Jack by 5:00pm.  It was just what I needed, some air and time to myself - weird huh?  Anyway, I've been great with my points today, I had a 12inch sub for lunch - I WAS HUNGRYYYYYYYYY and tonight I had points left over so I made up a chocolate mousse and we had icecream and chocolate sauce and cookies - great eh (before you freak out - it was WeightWatchers products - cost me 1.5 points for the mousse, 2 for icecream, 1 point for 2 cookies and half a point for the sauce :)? it really satisfied my sugar crave.  I'm really not in a good headspace today, not sure why, just dont feel particularly sociable.  I hope for everyone elses sake I am in a better mood tomorrow :)
4 April 2004
today I met my new great nephew - hes a cutie. William is just about 2 weeks old and his mum and dad Mat and Joelene are doing a great job.    Craig and I got up early again and took the dogs out.  This time we just kept walking and we ended up at Sutherland Ave, about 2.5k away.  It was really easy, a beautiful morning, no wind and the sun was just coming up so we talked and walked and walked and talked and next thing we knew we were at my cousins place.  She was outside pottering so we coerced her into a cup of coffee hehe.  I had my bonus buddy on and by the time we got home we'd walked for 76 minutes and 5kms.  All this exercise probably explains why I've been so damned HUNGRY!  I have! all I want to do is eat, but I am trying to be really good, but I have gone over points both Saturday and Sunday *gulp* but then I am up on my bonus points :)  Even now my tummy is rumbling - thats what I mean, I dont think its just a mental ... I am hungry - lets eat ... my stomach is actually rumbling, you can hear it and its got that gnawing feeling of hunger pains.  All I can hope is my metabolism is running so well at the moment that anything I put into my body is instantly burnt as fuel! .... I wish ! hehe - whatever it is - I FEEL GREAT, and thats all that matters right? :)

3 April 2004
Its Saturday, we got up early and took the dogs out for a walk this morning.  We walked for about an hour, the dogs loved it and I felt really energised by the time we got home.  Althought I must admit I was really looking forward to breakfast :)  Weatherwise it was a gorgeous day, I even sat out on the balcony this afternoon for a bit and did some reading.  My face was quite pink by the time I finished and I had sunblock on.  We went to our nieces 3rd birthday party, I had a little party savoury and a piece of birthday cake, but I'd allowed for that so was quite pleased with myself.  We stayed on for dinner afterward, I took my own pizza base (we knew they were having pizza) and was able to enjoy the same meal with the rest of the family.  It was a great day :)

1 April 200
Wow this is a bright page isnt it? :o  .... It is April, today marks the end of my 12th week on WW - I had weigh in today and achieved a -800g, not bad considering I got my monthly today also.  I'm 800g off 15Kg!!!!!!!!!!! thats just incredible eh? Just under 1.1kg a week - I'm really pleased with that progress, that is good steady weight loss, I am aiming for long term maintenance too so I think I'm doing the right thing :)  My new shoes are WONDERFULLLLLLLLL ... ok I'm not sure if they justify the $259 BUT I have to say, they really do feel wonderful on now, and I can feel the extra support they do provide.  Speaking of walking, I LOVE IT - its part of my daily routine now.  Craig even said to me tonight, you really enjoy your walks dont you? he said that he'd noticed me starting to get a bit tetchy on Sunday because I hadnt been out for a few days due to my blisters - does this mean I'm turning into a fitness freak? :o  Today was a good day at work - I had a day at my desk and I got a heap of things done.  My boss' wife saw me today for the first time since I started WW and she was soooooooo complimentary, said I looked fantastic, happy, vibrant was the word she used ... how is that for an ego boost? :)  I'm going to hit my 15 kg next week ... I'm really excited about that :)

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