~Field Trip Report~
~Calvert Cliffs and Jug Bay Reserve~
~October 23, 2004~
          I had the opportunity to go to Calvert Cliffs and Jug Bay on the first field trip with my fellow ELT-ers.  Calvert Cliffs is famous for having a lot of fossils along the sandy shore of the Chesapeake Bay.  Despite the really cold water (even Holtz didn't want to go into the water for long), I ended up with a baggie full of fossils.  I didn't know that Maryland had a state fossil, not surpirsing though when you think about it.  There were also shark teeth, as well as fossilized bone of sharks, mollusks, and shrimp.  There were even some more recent remains of organism on the beach as well, but it wasn't what we were looking for.  I thought that finding the fossils that Dr. Holtz was talking about was going to be like looking for a needle for a haystack.  But but he reaasured us all that most bones darken in color as they fossilized, almost to the color of wet wood.  He also showed me how fossilized bone have these tiny crevasses where the marro should be. 
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