<BGSOUND SRC="wh-savingall.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welll... As you Have probably noticed already, Im a very big fan of 3Dim Wallpapers. Here are my Favorites and the berry Ultimative First is............

*Visions of Dreams*


*WinCostumise Your Desktop*

*Binternet Com* Collection of wonderful pages*

When sometimes.. You so very need to send an Ecard, then remember to look here!! I have some few, but very good for any happening.. :)

*Ultimate Ecards*

*Cards with Music*

*Especially for You*


*1 2 3 and You are done!!*
If You want to relax, nothin to care about anymore, then.. Enjoy these
Pages, made with a love and in hope to reach Your Soul.. :)

*Great Illusion*

*Interview with a God, with the one who created the world.. *


*Right Now*

*Silvas Poetry*

*Tao Te Ching*
And.. Of Course FUN.. !!!

*Aha!! jokes*

*Cant display the Weapons..(be sure you read it Carefully!! dont jump back ;)*


*Fly the Copter ;)*

*Smart Mouses.. (german site, but maybe You wanna learn it now ;)*

*Murphy Laws*

*Some Tests about Love and Death ;)*

*ColorWheel.. (one lil trick.. if You get bored, push ctrl+alt+del, will finish the  nightmare ;)*

Midis!!! I happend to find some very good sites of them :)*:)




*Xmas Midis.. !!!*

*Pop Midis~ if your using Winamp then by Some Songs You will be able to see the Lyrics and sing karaoke ~ have fun!!!!
*(*Back to the MeetinPoint . . :)*
Mental Journeys~ discover the World inside Yourself.. :)

*See the Aura*

*Your Name is your Life!!*

*Quotes of Life and Books and.. *
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