GameLog opened Tuesday January 20, 2004, 02:46:02 PM

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GameType   : Hearts Tutorial
Title      : OutLiners!!
ClientBuild: 71
ServerBuild: 71
GameID     : 2
TeamGame   : False
Rules      : 150 pts
GameFlags  : 00000000
LocalPlayer: South 100
Difficulty : Hard
Host       : South

PlayerJoined South 100: mompsu
PlayerName 100: mompsu
PlayerInfo 100: Bubble{Bubble Color 1(T,2b9dffff)Bubble Color 2(T,00cde6ff)}Guenivere{Skin(T,9c5f18ff)Hair(F,)HairShort(T,ffe9e9ff)Dress(T,4bd2ffff)Necklace(F,)CrownShadow(T,dae5feff)Crown(T,dae5feff)Lips(T,009bb8ff)Eyes(T,25afffff)}
Score    : Team 0 has 0 Points
Score    : Team 1 has 0 Points
Score    : Team 2 has 0 Points
Score    : Team 3 has 0 Points
HandScore: South 0 points
HandScore: West 0 points
HandScore: North 0 points
HandScore: East 0 points
PlayerJoined  West 101 Bot: Yang
PlayerInfo 101: NONE{}Yang{}
PlayerJoined North 102 Bot: Grimlock
PlayerInfo 102: NONE{}Dwarf{}
PlayerJoined  East 103 Bot: Lester
PlayerInfo 103: NONE{}Joker{}

NewHand: 1

Dealer: East
Cut: None
Deal South: 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 0s Js Qs Ks As
Deal  West: 2c 3c 4c 5c 6c 7c 8c 9c 0c Jc Qc Kc Ac
Deal North: 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d 0d Jd Qd Kd Ad
Deal  East: 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h 0h Jh Qh Kh Ah

QueryPass: 3 Left
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = Hiya Guys!!! Well the Era of OutLiners has reached the Hardwood.. let me try to make you a Wizard of these Out colors ;) *Click to continue!!!
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = <~~~ Goshh Im nerveous too, while the liners are crazyer as me.. lol Okies, here we go
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = In outline colors we gonna use  2 commands for 2 diffrent lines. One command you already know, wich is with c letter. The other will be with j .
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = Here is a first try. . I type ~[cblue and close the bracket. Lets see
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[cblue]Here we got our first Line. The 2. line will be created like this ~[jyellow and I close the bracket again
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[cblue]~[jyellow]Wowwy!!! Kinda strange result, isnit ? But it worked ;) so lets look what I used. [cgreen] and [jyellow] with a sign ~ in front of brackets. Be sure you type the
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[cblue]~[jyellow]commands right after eachother,w/o spaces
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[cblue]~[jyellow]Lets try now another sample.
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = Btw, if you type only one command like [jred] or [jbrown] then the 2.command of c color is automatically black. Be sure you dont forget the sign ~ in front of brackets
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[jred]Yea. . see what happends to use only jred..
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[jbrown]~[cwhite]Hehhe.. Here is much nicer combination, with jbrown and cwhite
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[jyellow]~[cbrown]Btw, the order of c and j*commands doesnt matter. But always remember.. j color is outline. C color gives the face inline. Well~~~ Hopefully You
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[jyellow]~[cbrown]have no more doubts how to make it all to work. But if still!!, then .. Keep trying!! :) Btw, if You wanna outline all your binds from
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[jbrown]~[cwhite]the previous versions, then in ChatAlias file you need to type in front, between or at the end of c* colorcommands only the j*command, and save your work.
Chat Message from South 0 "mompsu" = ~[jbrown]~[cwhite] And Once again... Many huggies to Manny, Danny , Jonas~ just Im excited with what they will come up next.. Rofl!! ;)

GameLog closed Tuesday January 20, 2004, 03:05:07 PM

Signature: B013E8429A685DA5E75DB989C526DF13
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