Amethyst Dimension
Leela's Shadow Realm

      Konnichiwa! I'm your web hostess Leela V.Briefs and I would like to welcome you to my humble abowed *bows* This is just a little place on the web were I put up the stuff I like to do during bordom fases ^_~; This is a fan site if you haven't noticed, heh, and its not a big one but its mine. Please look around and tell me what you think of AD.

Wow, I haven't done a thing here in years oo; that's really sad. Well folks I'm back. AD will be my home from now on so expect more updates and so one from this day forward! -sticks a pose- I will be adding links and my other fanfics here soon so keep a look out. In other news, fixed the bugs so now everything should be looking better. If not please email me with the problem and I'll fix it asap.
(Previous Updates)
YAY! Can you believe it! I actually came up with a totally awsome layout! -dances & coughs- Anyways, lots of new stuff around the site so take a look around.. I know I keep saying that don't I? --;; Well this time it's true, and I'll try updating more often lol. Ja for now! -waves-

Ah! I finally got my site back up and wow does it look great! Well at least I think so heh. Anyways, gots lots and lots of new material up so go look around. New things everywhere! ^__^

Well as you can see I've totally redone Ad. There are lots of new things everywhere you look and too many for me to list here so go look for yourself. Oh and uh, please be nice, it took me a good 18 hours to give this site the new look you see.*No I'm not joking...My hands are crapping because of it...I think its pretty good for someone who just learned how to use HTML...don't you?*
^_^; Heh... uh anyways, what do you think? OH and I finally adopted something, check out Neherenia! Isn't she kawaii! *huggles* Oh by the way if you would like to request a picture please e-mail me. Well...ja ne for now!

Note: I will be adding a whole page dedicated to updates when I update this next.

None at the moment
If your interested, please E-mail me.

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Site & Layout©Leelachan.
Left Art © Leeli

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(Diamond Designs)
(Hopeful Moonlight)

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