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The coolest artist and his now defunct music label: Frank Kozik & the Man's Ruin label (R.I.P.)

I'd been a big fan of Frank Kozik's Man's Ruin label for many years, drawn in by the amazing 7" and 10" records, compelling art, and just as incredible music. The label's demise leaves an vast empty void in indie rock today. Man's Ruin had introduced bands such as Queens of the Stone Age, Fu Manchu, Kyuss, Fatso Jetson, Dozer, Alabama Thunder Pussy, Acid King, Altamont, Goatsnake, High on Fire, earthlings?, Nebula, Beaver, Hellacopters, Men of Porn, Gluecifer, and much, much more music that was underrated and underappreciated. This label was what the music business should be about and rarely ever is - making quality records that are honest, raw, passionate, and cool as hell to look at and play. The label will be missed. Oh yeah, by the way, Frank's one hell of an artist too. His posters manipulate icons, figures, and colors into an amazing display of pop culture art.

Speaking of artists, click here to see some computer drawings by a wonderful soul: Eunsook Yoo

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