
The program allows the choice of calculating the margin of profit on the wholesale price or on the the retail price, by selecting the buttons on the upper right side.

  1. Wholesale: if this is selected, the margin of profit is calculated on the wholesale price. This margin is calculated starting from the price input by the user (it can be either in the "Wholesale", in the final "Retail", or in the "Wholesale + Tax" field).
  2. Retail: if this is selected, the margin of profit is calculated on the retail price. This margin is calculated starting from the price input by the user (it can be either in the "Wholesale", in the final "Retail", or in the "Wholesale + Tax" field).

By selecting the proper tax percentage, the program calculates the tax amounts for: the wholesale price ("Tax credit"), the profit ("Tax profit") and the total final price ("Tax"). A discount can be also be applied. The program calculates the discounted retail price ("Disc. price"), the margin of profit on the discounted price ("Disc. profit") and the total tax amount for the discounted price ("Tax disc. price"). If the gain is negative, PriceMaker asks the user to reduce the discount percentage, until a positive profit is obtained. The tax, the profit and the discount percentage can be input by either selecting the drop-down menus, or by manually typing the percentage. 
This program is FREE and it is intended for small business (shops) to calculate the final price of goods. 

PriceMaker is available for PalmOS (3.x - 4.x - 5.x) or MS Windows.


Version 1.9 (Pre-release 2.0) for PalmOS (3.x - 4.x - 5.x - 6.x)

Warning: This version is still under development. Many new features are introduced with this version. The program is stable, but the results from the calculations are only partly tested. We strongly advise to use the stable version 1.3  for any use other than testing. If you would like to contribute to the testing, please email me bugs and reports at: feranick AT hotmail DOT com - Thank you.

Download (v. 1.9.2):

ZIP File (8K)

New features:

- New preference panel, with possibility to select currencies, different visualization of profits (amount vs percentages) on discounts, calculation of retail price before or after taxes.
- Improved calculation engine
- New conversion button. GUI clean up.&nnbsp;

Bug fixes:

- Values are remembered upon exit.
- Changing focus on tip, profit and disccount: values are now remembered when another field is selected or another form is opened.
- The reset button clears only the fields not the percentages.
- The icon is now displayed correctly inn the launcher.
- Extensive code rewriting and optimizattion. Reduced footprint.

Version 1.3 for PalmOS (3.x - 4.x - 5.x)

A version of PriceMaker customized for the Italian market is available here: PalmIVA


From PalmGear

PRC File (29K)

ZIP File (8K)


Installation information:

Use HotSync to install the .prc file. It is not necessary to remove old versions of PriceMaker, if upgrading.





Version 1.3 for MS Windows (98/ME/NT/2000/XP)


ZIP File (9K)



To uninstall open the About window from the main window. Push "Uninstall". Close the program and delete PriceMaker.exe



Contact info:

If you have questions, suggestions or if you want to report a bug: feranick AT hotmail DOT com

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