PalmLoan 0.5 (beta)  PalmOS (3.x - 4.x - 5.x/Garnett - 6.x/Cobalt)

Warning: This is a feature incomplete program, still in beta testing. The program is stable, but bugs may still exists. If you would like to report a bug or you would like to see some features, please email me at: feranick AT hotmail DOT com

This program allows to calculate monthly (or weekly, bi-weekly, quarterly) payments from a specified amount. 

By entering the amount you are asking for the mortgage, with the yearly interest rate and the number of years, the program returns the monthly (or weekly, bi-weekly, quarterly) payment. Viceversa, by entering the monthly (or weekly, bi-weekly, quarterly) amount you wish to pay, with the yearly interest rate and the number of years, the program returns total amount you can loan. In either cases, the gran total of the interests to pay is also displayed.

The program uses the following formula:

MP=AM*i/(1-(1/(1+i)^n)) where:
MP  is the monthly payment
AM  is the amount of the loan
i  is the monthly interest rate
n  is the number of payments (months or quarters).

This program is FREE. 


Mathlib library needs to be installed. A copy of it is provided with the package.


ZIP File (24K) 


Installation information:

Use HotSync to install the .prc file. 

Contact info:

If you have questions, suggestions or if you want to report a bug: feranick AT hotmail DOT com




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