Hello, I am the creator of this web site that you have been kind enough to visit.  If you have not signed my guestbook, then feel free to do so.  I read and cherish every submission in my book.
Lol, I am sorry, you have come to this page to learn about me, and here I am talking about my guestbook.  Well, my name is Jennifer.  I am a twenty-nine year old mother of a beautiful two-year-old girl, a six-year-old little princess, and a very intelligent nine-year-old boy.  Boy, I don't sound impartial, do I?  I have been married for 10 years to the same wonderful man.  And, I attended Baylor University with a
Major in Music Education.
Music is a huge part of my life.  I cannot go for more than a hours without listening to music.  Lol, I think that I am addicted to it!  I have been a musician for nineteen years.  The cello is the instrument that I started on when I was ten years old (see pic #1).  At the age of sixteen, I switched instruments to the double bass (see pic #2).  This was the best thing that I could of done in my music career.  In the two years I played bass in high school, I was the only person to make All-Region Orchestra in my school for those two years.  All-Region Orchestra is a big deal here in my area.  See, I live in Texas and my Region takes up one-fourth of the state, so you could imagine the number of people who audition for this great honor.  I was also fist chair in Waco Symphony Youth Orchestra, my high school orchestra, and was a third chair in Baylor Symphony.  Anyway, enough about music, let's talk about my religion.
I am an Eclectic Pagan.  Let's dissect these words for those who either don't know what it is, or who think that I am a devil worshipper.  First, "eclectic" means something that is composed of elements drawn from various sources.  Next, "pagan" means anyone who does not follow Christian, Muslim, or Jewish beliefs.  So, now that you know what the word "pagan" means, hopefully you are more comfortable with the term.
Q.  Do I worship the devil?
A.  No, I do not believe in the devil and therefore do not worship him.
Phew, I don't think that I could go much more into my beliefs.  I think that my beliefs are a very personal thing and is hard to explain at times.
I have included some of my favorite things below.  Thanks for reading all about little 'ol me!
Favorite Sister
This picture is several years old, but she is on the left and I am on the right.  Her name is Stefanie and she just graduated high school.  She will be attending Sam Houston State University in the Fall.
Favorite Classical CD

Contrabass music is extremely hard to find in stores.  But, one day I was in Hastings, and there it was!  This CD contains a wide range of styles of music.  The banjo, piano, and other select instruments accompany this create musician.  If you like classical music of any kind, you should check this out!
Favorite Rock CD

This CD is addictive, lol.  I was a die hard Motley Crue fan, until the breakup.  Now, I am glad that they split, because Tommy's CD rocks better than any Motley CD.  T Bone is a babe!  But, he is also extremely creative and expressive.  Way to go Tommy!
This is sort of a break everything down on how I see things.  Many will not agree with my point of view.  But, that is okay.  Everyone has a right to believe what he or she wants to believe.  My take on the deities is somewhat unconventional.  I believe there is not great force that is both a malevolent and benevolent deity.  From that one all encompassing deity, there is one goddess and one god.  The female characteristics are what make up the goddess and the male characteristics make up the god.  From there, the god and goddess are represented by all of the more historically known deities (i.e. Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Thor, Budda, etc.).
Updated on June 14, 2006
Update: I got to see him in concert and meet him afterward not too long ago.  It was awesome and he was so nice!
Update: I just got Tommy's newest CD, "Tommyland: The Ride".  I have not had the chance to listen to it, yet.  But, I already know that I love one of the songs on it!
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