What are the normal interview questions
you have been asked?

There are multitudes of interview questions that can be asked by employers. What you need to know is how to answer the basic interview questions, predict other interview questions, and the answers to those also. This is part of the preparation for an interview.

Interview questions are available from many sources: the library, other people and the Internet. The Internet has a vast number of sites that have various interview questions that can be asked. Some websites that can be visited for this information include:

All of the interview questions from the websites listed above looks like an intimidating list to know and that you have a long way to climb before you are prepared.


There is the belief that all interview questions are raised from 4 basic questions:

  1. Who are you? (What are you like as a person? Can we trust you?)
  2. What can you do for us? (What are your skills? Can you perform more than adequately)
  3. Why do you want to work for us?
  4. Can we afford you?
What you need to do is to examine the information from the other sections of this website as well as the above interview questions websites. These areas will provide you with interview questions, or provide clues to other interview questions that may be asked. Now, all you need to do is to look at the questions and determine which questions would be most relevant to your interview. Most interviewers only ask up to 15 questions; therefore pick your top 20 or 25 questions and answer them.

This will help you to be articulate and knowledgeable during the interview. The more poise and presentation skills that your show during your interview, the more favourable your interviewer(s) will look towards you and your skills.


There is still another type of interview question that needs to be addressed: the dreaded



"The law relating to what may and may not be asked during an interview is simple.
Questions may not be asked for the purpose of discriminating on the basis of
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, birthplace, age or physical disability"

--- H. Anthony Medley

The above statement pretty much covers all the areas that are illegal for interviewers to ask. All information asked must be related to the job you are seeking. Yet, they are still being asked by some interviewers; therefore, are not illegal in their view. The question is how are you going to answer them?

  1. Answer the question and reveal information which could lose you the job
  2. Not reveal information and which could lose you the job
  3. Examine the question for the intent, and provide an appropriate answer without revealing information that feel is inappropriate (i.e. marital status)
For a list of some of the illegal questions, goto UAB Career Services, where they have a list of prohibited questions.

What you need to do is determine how you want to answer these questions? That is up to the decision of each individual. Remember, don't close the door on any question! Be open-minded!


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