What did you usually do the day
before an interview?

Many people the day before (and the day of) the interview are usually getting everything frantically organized. So many things need to be ready and prepared. This is usually when people are starting to practice interview questions, gathering references, photocopying resumes and, all in all, frantic.


The day before the interview should be one of organization and relaxation. By now, if everything but the minor details have not been done, it probably is too late.

Some things that should be completed on the day before the interview

o At least two copies of your resume.

o At least two copies of your references.

o Bring copies of any documentation required (i.e. awards, certificates, diplomas, portfolio of sample work if applicable).

o Bring prepared list of questions to ask employer.

o Get a pen and clean notepad.

o Pick out appropriate clothes to wear to the interview (Refer to the end of the website, Interview Skills - Interview Preparation from Western State College of Colorado. They provide a Do's and Don'ts for Interview Dressing).

o Make sure the interview clothes are clean and ironed.

o Make sure of directions to the interview location and the amount of time to get there early (whether it be by transit or vehicle taking into account accidents, traffic jams and other unforeseeable events).

o Have a good dinner and relaxing evening. You can think about minor details for your interview but do not stress over it.

o Have a family member or friend make sure you are awake on time.

o Set your alarm clock early enough to have a relaxed breakfast, a shower, and other grooming before leaving for the interview (Two alarm clocks or more would be preferable, one of which should be battery or manually powered).

o Go to sleep at a reasonable time to get a decent night's sleep.


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