Module 2 : Doctrinal Interpretations in the Abhidhamma - by Professor Sumanapala and Professor Kapila

Lesson 1(14/7/04)                    Lesson 2(21/7/04)                    Lesson 3(28/7/04)  

Lesson 4(4/8/04)                      Lesson 5(11/8/04)                        Lesson 6(25/8/04)    

Lesson 7(1/9/04)                      Lesson 8(8/9/04)                      Lesson 9(15/9/04)    

2004 Exam Questions              Exam Answers

The course is designed to show how the early Buddhist teachings came to be interpreted in the Theravada Abdhidhamma. For this purpose, the following aspects will form an integral part of this study :

1) Dhamma theory as the Abhidhamma view of existence

2) Levels of reality and degrees of truth (sammuti and paramattha)

3) The category of the conceptual and the Abhidhamma theory of expression

4) Analysis of the mind into consciousness (citta) and its concomitants (cetasikas)

5) Analysis of matter into primary (mahabhuta) and secondary (upada) elements

6) Theory of moments as the Abhidhamma view of impermanence

7) Bhavanga and the Abhidhamma theory of perception

The course will take into consideration parallel data in the Sarvastivada Abhidhamma as well as the Sautrantika critque of Abhidhamma interpretations.


Venerable Nyanaponika Thera, Abhidhamma Studies, Buddhist Publication Society kandy and Wisdom Publications, Boston (Revised Edition), 1998.

Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi (General Edition), A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma, Buddhist Publication Society, kandy, 1993.

Venerable Professor Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti, Sarcastivada Abhidhamma, The Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2003.

E.R.Sarathchandra, The Buddhist Psychology of Perception, University of Ceylon Press, Colombo, 1958.

Y. Karunadasa, Buddhist Analysis of Matter, The Buddhist Research Society, Singapore (Second Edition), 1989.



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