Subject    :    Syllabus        Lessons Updates

Introduction    :          Life of Buddha 7-9-03        Background to Buddhism 14-9-03           Pre-Buddhist India 7-10-03           Samanna Teachers 19-10-03        Buddha's Renunciation 26-10-03     Anattalakkhana Sutta 9-11-03    

1) Expansion of Buddha's ministry during his lifetime  :    Buddha's Early Disciples 16-11-03

2) Establishment of Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni orders    :    Bhikkhu Order   Bhikkhuni Sangha 04-1-04

3) Origin and Development of Buddhist monasteries    :    Origin & Development of Monk Settlements    

Buddha's disciples    :    Sariputta    Maha Moggallana    Maha Kassapa    Ananda            

Royal Patronage  :    King Bimbisara    King Pasenadi    Canda Pajjota    Anathapindika    Visakha 15-2-04    King Asoka 25-4-04

Maha Parinibbana    :   Mahaparinibbana Sutta 22-2-04

4) First Three Buddhist Councils - Causes and Contribution    :     1st Buddhist Council 29-2-04                                                         2nd Buddhist Council 7-3-04              3rd Buddhist Council  4-4-04  

5) Buddhist School - Emergence and Development    :    Mahasanghika School 14-3-04             Theravada School 21-3-04 

6) Buddhism and the State - Relationship    :

7) Buddhism -Spread beyond India    :   Buddhism in Sri Lanka 2-5-04


May all be Well and Happy


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