Saturday, December 16, 2006:
New songs have been posted on our myspace. Thanks.

Monday, November 27, 2006:
Um yeah I'm uber lazy to update this so frequently, so just check our myspace for shows for now on.

Sunday, October 29, 2006:
Amazing show last night. We're still working hard on new stuff. Check back later for more shows.

Monday, September 11, 2006:
We just got thrown on a pretty sweet show so go check out the shows page. Come out if you're down.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006:
The show tonight was stellar. Thanks to Nate for putting us on. Every band ripped. Thanks to everyone who showed up. We can't thank you enough. In other news we're laying off shows for a while. We're scrapping most of the songs we have now. We're going to write new songs with the new guitarist and new lyrics and junk. Hopefully it won't take us too long so we can record and get back to playing shows. See you soon.

Saturday, June 24, 2006:
The show was amazing. It was so much fun. Amore was great. Thanks to everyone who came out and had some major fun. See you this Tuesday.

Friday, June 23, 2006:
We just got added to a show tomorrow night. Check the shows page for info and come out it's going to be gnarly.

Friday. June 17, 2006:
We got a new guitarist, Zack. You may know him from Plague of Echoes.We're still playing
June 27 so come out to that to see our new lineup in action.

Friday. May 5, 2006:
We're getting ready to record very soon. Possibly next week. So be on the lookout. We're not going on tour this summer. We need to get this EP done first. But we will tour hopefully soon. Peace.

Friday, April 21, 2006:
The show tonight was brutal. If you missed it then too bad. Thanks goes out to Miah for putting us on the show. And thanks to all the sweet bands that played, An End To Flesh, Veil of Maya, The Caliphate, and Black the Sky. We're taking the month of May off to finish writing and recording our new EP which should be out sometime during the summer. We may play one show in May but the rest will be dedicated to finishing this EP. Remember we are going on tour so if you could help out with the dates jump on that. Thanks a billion.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006:
We're right in the middle of planning a tour for this summer. This is just a simple plan of where we're going. They are all TBA as of right now. So if you live in these cities or the surrounding areas please help out!

Disappointment Tour
Bearing Arms, Dead Devotions, Led to Slaughter, and Fathers.

6/23 - Peoria, IL
6/24 - Indianapolis, IN
6/26 - St. Louis, MO
6/27 - Moline, IL
6/28 - Chicago, IL

Check out our tourmates!
Bearing Arms |
Dead Devotions |
Fathers | www.myspace.com/fathers

Thursday, March 30, 2006:
There are some show changes. The show on April 21 is now at the VFW on Western. Look at the shows page to view more details and to look at a sweet flyer for the show.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006:
Buttons came in yo! Click on Merch to see the sweet designs made by our guitarist Rob. Order up!

Sunday, March 26, 2006:
Geeze we got another another singer. It's Andy and hopefully this time it will be a solid line-up. Go look at his picture.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006:
Thanks to everyone who came out to the show in Canton. Thanks to Adam for putting us on it and all the bands. We're going to take some time off from shows to finish writing our EP. The next show is in April with Veil of Maya. Go to it.

Saturday, March 11, 2006:
Wow. Seriously thanks to everyone that came out to the show tonight. It was amazing. Fathers was hysterical. Bearing Arms and Arise Outburst were amazing. Thanks to everyone who came. Hope to see you in Canton which is on the 22nd of March. The buttons didn't come yet but they will be avaliable at the Canton show. Thanks again to everyone in Arise for letting us play. Thanks!

Thursday, March 9, 2006:
We got another singer. Zack. He's sweet. Come to the show on Saturday to see him in action.

Friday, March 3, 2006:
We have a show next Saturday. Look at the Shows page for more info. We should have some buttons by then too.

Saturday, February 25, 2006:
Thanks to everyone who came out to the show in Forest City. It was really fun. Thanks to Beneath Falling Skies for letting us play. Thanks to Devil's Pie for being Devil's Pie and Advocate for rocking out. Our next show is in March so expect some new songs by then. The EP should be done by the April 21 show. Hopefully. Peace out skaters.

Saturday, February 11, 2006:
Thanks to everyone who came out to the House Show. It was insane. Peeps were going crazy during our set. All the bands were sweet. Hopefully we'll get some pics up. We gots a show in two weeks so go to it.

Friday, February 3, 2006:
Ohh new layout. Yeah we got some new shows so look for that. New songs are being made all the time so look for a EP soon.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006:
The show was a blast. Thanks to David for putting us on it. Black the Sky totally owned. Thanks to everyone for coming out.

Saturday, January 21, 2006:
Kyle is replacing Michael. Hopefully this will be the final line-up for a long time. See you on Tuesday. By the way we got a video up. Click here to view.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006:
Ian has quit and Michael is now our new singer. We're not playing the show on Friday but still go to it, it's going to be a blast. See ya on the 24th!

Sunday, January 15, 2006:
So it's been a year since Led to Slaughter changed it's name from SIC. Who cares? Go to the show on Friday. Peace.

Sunday, January 8, 2006:
Rob made some sweet shirt designs. Check them out on the merch page now.

Wednesday, January 3, 2006:
Yo we got new shows.

Love Honor Fest
Friday, January 20, 2006
4pm - 11pm
Cross Connections
As the Day Goes, Devil's Pie, Ignite the Will, Led to Slaughter, One and Flash, OFGA, Arailius, Lightning Never Strikes In the Same Place Twice Unless Your Name Is Michael Jordan, Hit the Ground Dead, and Wipeout.

Saturday, February 4, 2006
7pm - 11pm
Black Sheep Cafe
Bad Taste, Utter Chaos, Death's Design, Led to Slaughter, and Stratum.

Sunday, February 19, 2006
5pm - 11pm
Faux Lament, Burning Love Letters, Ignite The Will, Arailius, Simply Waiting, and Led to Slaughter.

Sunday, January 1, 2006:
Ah 2006. This is going to be an insane year. The show is in 24 days. Go to it. It will rock. Expect more shows, new songs, ect. soon. We got a new shirt design made by none other than our very own Jared Edenburn. It's sweet! Go look in the merch section. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Next time expect a real update. Stay brutal. Peace.

Updates from 2007
Updates from 2005
Andy: Vocals Zack: Guitar Rob: Guitar
John: Bass Jake: Drums Bostic: Synth
Led To Slaughter 2005 - 2007
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