This is a story about our night out at Montana's in San Dimas.
We decided to go dancing, so we piled in the car and headed out...
KD, Stacie, & Harmony
KD & Katie
Meet James, our Designated Driver
So we start drinking...
So we continue to drink, we do some dancing, mostly to Chris LeDoux Songs, and we drink some more.
One Tequilla
Two Tequilla
Three Tequilla
Poor James!  What to do with two drunk women?
Stacie on James?
James on Harmony?
We're not sure?  Harmony on Stacie?  Stacie on Harmony? 
The licorice attacking both of them at the same time?
James, Stacie, Harmony, Katie, & KD
After so much fun dancing, drinking, and dropping to the floor we decide it's probably time to head home.  We are half way to the car when Stacie decides she wants to do one last dance...
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