Written by Guitar "Master" DAVE
   SUBURBAN CHRISIS is a group of out-of-control teenagers that have no respect for the law and authority( how many times have you heard that one?). The first band consisted of me(Dave),
Gary and three other members. But things started to get a little retarded when the bassist moved away and the other guitarist lost interest because it wasn't cool enough.
    For a while it was just three members until I convinced my hardcore friend, Tim, to start playing the bass with automatic entry in the band. During the fall of '99 we recruited a dashing, young, new guitarist by the name of Matt. Matt was experienced and motivated so he was in without a doubt.
    FINALLY,   A steady line up. We took up the name
Lucid Coalition and everything was going fine,    until  our lead singer had some ego thing going on and that basically pissed us off. So we booted him out. So we found JC and asked him if he wanted to join a hopeless band that was going nowhere. For some odd reason he complied ( Damn, what devotion). SO...
     FINALLY(no...  really) , A steady line up. We had to ditch the whole
Lucid Coalition name and we had to settle for some retarded names. Finally , on the week of our first show, we got serious and named the band SUBURBAN CRISIS. SO....  Thats how it all fell in to place. Who knew that 5 kids that rode the short bus to school could rock so hard.
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